Puppet On A String

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"Slow down. I can't keep up with this body."

Four apologises and smiles, immediately slowing his pace to one that my swollen feet could sync up with. He had always walked in a way that made him seem perpetually in a hurry. His steps weren't rapid but his legs were long and his strong shoulders always arched back as if he must stride with as much purpose as possible.

I laugh at him when he begins walking unusually slow—almost robotically—as if his brain was struggling to tell each foot to take the next step hesitantly rather than rushed. Now dawdling in the halls, everyone around us seemed to fly by. The people on Finalizer marched rather than walked—striding down each hallway and disappearing from our view, it was like everyone else was sped up and blinkered. There was so much happening all at once, and yet everyone failed to notice anything other than their own duty.
Still, some people muttered complaints beneath their breath behind us , overtaking only to turn crimson when they realised Four's status upon the emblem that sat on his sleeves and chest.

"It was good to see Commander Victor and September, wasn't it?" He asks.

"Yes, it was," I reply, looking over to the blonde boy.

I am so grateful for the fact that Four still provided me company in the lonely hours when Kylo could not—he had never been a close friend of mine, but I am happy to say now, that we were closer than ever imagined.

"How has everything been since Five came back?" I ask him, nodding my head to the book in his hands.

Four huffed a breath and rolls his eyes. "I thought that when he came back, I would finally get back to training," Lifting the book in his hands into the air between us and waving it around, he sighs, "But nope... still stuck in the books it is for me."

I hum a sympathised breath behind tightly-closed lips. "I'm sorry about that. I hope you get back to training soon," I smile, punching him in the shoulder lightly. "It would be such a waste to not utilise this much brute."

Four shook his head, looking down to his steps and chuckling. Then snapping his gaze back up to me, he held a cheeky smirk with his lips. "... How's Kylo Ren?" He chimed, closing his eyes and pouting his lips into a tight airy kiss.

This time, I roll my eyes and a grin perches itself upon my face as I push his sarcastic kisses away with the shove of my palm against his cheek.

"He's good." I tried to hide and maintain my wide grin behind a pursed smile.

"Just good?"

"Just good," I chuckled.

Four turns his head back to the path forward, not needing to dodge every passerby's shoulders like I did, because everyone stayed clear of his direction.

"Is it nice?" He asked, furrowing his brows but not yet turning back to look at me. I scrunched my face up, my lip tugging to the side in a sly smile, prepared for his taunts about Kylo.

"Is what nice?"

The book in his hand hangs loosely by his side, occasionally smacking his thigh with every step. He didn't speak as soon as I had answered—rather waiting quietly to continue only when the group of StormTroopers ahead had finally passed.

With a deep voice under his breath and a side glance upon me, he breathed, "To be with your lover even in this brutal place?"

Upon his words, my lips parted in surprise and my eyes blew wide as so did my lungs. I could feel the hurt in his chest, an overwhelming ache for the one he loved, who was so many stars away. His lover, Three—or as I had found out a couple of months ago: Erato.

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