"Luke." I called over to him, his head jolting in my direction. "Can you hang out with me?" I asked him quietly, unsure of what his reaction would be. He just rolled his eyes and went into his room, leaving me standing there confused and a little disappointed.

I didn't know what that meant, but I went into my room and sat on the floor, attempting to take the heeled boots off my feet. By the time I managed to do so, my door opened to reveal Luke, now changed into gym shorts and a sweatshirt. I jumped up and ran to him, jumping onto him and wrapping my arm and legs around his body.

"Wow." He laughed, wrapping his arms around me to keep me from falling off.

"Thank you for coming." I smiled at him, kissing his check before jumping down. I knew the only reason I was excited was because of the drugs, since a sober me would not be thrilled to have him in my room. I honestly didn't even care, though, I just wanted to be near someone.

I kicked my boots out of the middle of the floor and placed the halo on my desk. When I tried to take the wings off, though, Luke ended up coming to help. I couldn't figure out how to move my arms to get it off, so he pulled them off without me having to move at all. I shot him a quick 'thanks' as I grabbed sweats from my dresser.

I went into my bathroom and took off the makeup smeared all over my face with a makeup wipe, changing right after. When I came back out, Luke was setting up a couple more lines for himself on my desk.

"More?" I asked, making him turn to face me.

"If you're high as shit, I wanna be, too." He chuckled, smirking at me before going back to his task. I plopped down on my bed, sprawling out on my back. I turned to watch him take the lines he put out. He leaned back into the desk chair and took a minute to let the rush pass. I looked at the clock on my wall, noting that I would only have about an hour left before the intensity would slowly fade away.

"What do you wanna do?" Luke swiveled to face me in the chair.

"I don't know." I giggled, crawling to the edge of the bed and right in front of where he sat. "Can I touch your face?" I asked abruptly. He just looked amused more than anything.

"Yeah, you can touch my face." He said, rolling right up to the edge of the bed. I smiled widely at him, reaching my hands out and playing with his cheeks. He probably welcomed the contact, considering he was probably feeling similar to how I was after three more lines.

"Enjoying yourself?" He laughed, trying his best to smile as I smooshed his face up.

"Yeah." I giggled, my face dropping slightly right after. "I'm not bothering you, am I?" I asked him, worry spreading across me face as I pulled my hands back.

"No, I liked it." He said with a half-smile. I smiled at him and fell onto my back, sprawling out on my bed again. "How long ago did you take that?" He asked.

"Like three hours, I think." I said all giddy. I turned to him as he got off the swivel chair and went down to the floor to lean his back on my bed.

"Come down here." He said, to which I quickly listened. I sat right next to him, mirroring the way he was sitting up against my bed. "Give me your hands." He said, holding out his own for me to put mine in. I raised my hands to his, and he gently pulled them up to his hair. My jaw dropped as I went nuts over how amazing it felt.

"Wait, what!" I said excitedly. "Where has this been my whole life?" I turned my whole body to face him, getting to my knees so I didn't have to reach up as far. He laughed at my antics and looked up at me through my arms.

I felt him pull me into his lap so I was straddling his legs. It didn't break my trance in playing with his hair until I felt his hands moving up and down my thighs. I looked down at him to see his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. He honestly looked adorable.

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