Chapter 22

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I woke up in an empty bed with a note that read 'workout.' I made my way to the kitchen to get some coffee. I grimaced when I saw the whole family sitting there, I was ready for them to leave, and it was only day three. Sahil stared at me. I looked back and swallowed. I must look horrible; his expression was bewildered. "Are you okay, bhabhi?" he asked.

"I am fine," I said, trying to smile, but I probably looked like I have a toothache. Dad glanced at me from behind his newspaper but didn't say anything.

"She must have slept late," said Niana. Sahil didn't acknowledge her and asked, "where is Salil?"

"Must be sleeping; I told you they had a late-night," Niana said with a smile so sinister that I recoiled.

"He has gone for his workout, Sahil," I said, trying my best to ignore Niana.

Just then, I heard Aaliya scream that she had won. She came running into the living room. "I won the race against Bhai." She was jumping with joy, and I wanted to smack her. Salil was right behind her, panting heavily. They both were dirty and sweaty. "GET OFF MY CARPET, YOU FILTHY ANIMALS," I roared. Everyone stared at me, and I glared back.

"Sorry, bhabhi," Aaliya mumbled before running to her room. Sahil went after her. Salil walked to our room too, and I sat down next to dad, my head in my hands.

"Avantika, AVANTIKA, I can't find my file," Salil called from our room. File? What file is he looking for a Sunday morning, I wondered? I sighed and walked to our bedroom. Salil dragged me to the bathroom the minute I entered the room. He perched himself on the bathroom counter, crossed his arms, and asked, "what was all that about?"

"Which file are you looking for?" I asked him glaringly.

"What is wrong with you?" he countered. I continued to glare at him. I wanted to smash everything in that bathroom. I wanted to scream and shout and cry out. I started walking out of the bathroom, but Salil pulled me back "what happened?" he asked again.

"Let go of me," I hissed through gritted teeth.

His grip on my arm tightened, "tell me," he demanded calmly. The calmness in his voice tipped me over the edge. I fought to free my arm and started throwing punches at him. But I had momentarily forgotten how strong he was. He pinned me to the wall, holding both my wrists in one hand against his chest so that I would stop hurling punches at him. Hot tears fell from my eyes as I struggled to free myself. He wiped them gently even as he held my wrists in his hand. He took my face in his hands and asked me again, "what happened, babe?"

"YOUR MOTHER" I shouted. He released my hands and went back to sit on the counter.His jaw was set, but his eyes were sad. "Did mom," before he could finish his question, I crossed the distance between us and bit his lip. My nails were scratching his back and arms through his shirt. I kissed him hard, raining love bites on his neck. It wasn't love, it was spite, and if he had done it to me, I would have hated it. Yet, he didn't stop me. My tears continued to fall, and I punched his chest again and screamed, "I am your wife". He let me. I fell on him, and he held me to him. "I know, baby, you are mine," he said.

He carried me to the bathtub and held me in warm water until I had calmed down. He shampooed my hair and massaged my back. He was so gentle that I started crying again, looking at the bluish teeth marks I had left on his neck. "Shhhh, it's okay, baby," he said against my shoulder as he held me tightly. As I calmed down again, he asked, "do you want to tell me why" he cleared his throat "what, umm, why are you so upset?"

I smiled at him. He probably wanted to ask me why I had gone bat shit crazy. I kissed his cheek softly and mumbled thank you. He shook his head lightly, smiling at me. "Your mother made me feel like," my voice shook, "feel like I was a whore on the street". I looked at him angrily "I married you. You are my husband. MINE", I said, jabbing myself, "you belong to me".

"I know I do, darling," he said softly, kissing my shoulder.

"Then why does she look at me like I am a slut throwing myself on a random man," I asked, teary-eyed.

"I don't know, baby," he said, wiping my wet cheeks.

"I signed the damn papers to marry you. It's legal. I can legally do what I like with you," I said, annoyed with the situation. Salil said nothing, but his eyes darkened. I plunged on "since they have come, since she, we have haven't even" I stopped mid-sentence and looked down.

"We haven't even what?" he asked, lifting my chin up with his finger. He had a slight grinning forming on his lips. I bit my lower lip and continued, "you know, we haven't since they have come here". I tried to move away and get out of the tub, but I was trapped between his chest and legs. I swallowed.

"That's what I am asking, we haven't what? What is it that you think we haven't done?" he asked. His eyes were lighting up with mischief, and I laughed "you know very well what I am talking about".

"I don't think I do. Why don't you enlighten me?" Salil persisted and turned us around. His sudden movement splashed half the water out of the tub, and I squealed. He positioned himself over me, and I could feel him grow hard against my leg. My heart was beating in my throat the second I felt his cock touch my core. I closed my eyes and moaned his name. "Tell me what we haven't done," he whispered in my ear. His voice was seductive, and his hands were pinching my boobs. I thrust my hips up to take him in, but he held himself just over my pussy, tormenting me.

I swallowed again and gave him what he wanted "you! I haven't had you inside me since they," and the rest of my sentence was lost as he fucked me into oblivion. I felt the impact of him entering me from the base of my stomach to the nerve endings of my brain. My body arched to take him in deeper. I was parched, and he was a mirage in a desert. I kept running towards him, hoping to satiate myself, my entire being centered between my legs. And then I was floating in the oasis of his knowledge and creation. It only ever held enough to calm me but never enough to fulfill the deepest desires of my heart. I keep running back to the mirage, hoping for more, but a mirage is just an illusion of hope.

Love, par sex ke baad (Love, but after sex)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum