Chapter 1

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I stood in the doorway, thinking whether I should enter or not, gathering the courage to confront the monster. Why had I decided to come here at all? Why could I not mind my own business? I looked at the door; it was slightly open. I peered inside, conscious to not make a noise. He was standing near the window, looking outside. He hadn't seen me, hadn't sensed me. He was like a lion, and I was a silly little chicken thinking of entering his den without an invitation. It was like I wanted to be eaten. A snort nearly escaped my lips at the thought of being eaten – as if he already hadn't done that numerous times. It was so deeming yet wonderful. It was a pain that I welcomed and yearned for. Just last night, he had tied me up and made me come so many times that I had fainted. However, my current dilemma wasn't about that. Right now, I was scared to speak to him; after all, we have never really spoken to each other. Yet, I had made a foolish decision, and as a result, here I was. I wondered if I should knock, but the door was already open a little bit.

I gathered all the courage I had and pushed the door open a little more, and stepped into the den. I swallowed because the door creaked, and he stiffened at the noise. I wonder if I had pulled him from some important musings. Now all I had to do was open my mouth to speak, but my throat was dry. I tried to swallow, but there was no saliva in my mouth. Before I could try again, he said, "So you have come to get some. Getting addicted, maybe a little greedy, aren't we." This is what I was scared of. He had no reason to think I would come to his bedroom for anything else. He was still facing the window, and I wondered if he was smiling, thinking about my greed.

"Take off your clothes and lean against the desk," he ordered. It was how we usually started, with him giving me commands and me following them. I was well versed in the system. I had taken pains to dress today. My green dress was ideal for what I had in mind. I wondered what he would do if I disobeyed him. I knew he won't turn around until he heard me move. I considered going back to my room, but I had a feeling he would hunt me down. There is no escaping a lion that is getting ready to hunt. I decided to lean against the table but not remove my dress.

I heard him move. I wanted to look at his face and see what he thought of my dress. I wanted to know if he was angry that I had not removed it. I felt his legs against my ass, and he leaned over me. He moved my hair with his right hand and whispered into my ear, "You choose to come here and disobey me." He was hard, and his left hand was on my hip, squeezing it. His voice was laced with amusement, and he continued, "You must have a death wish." I swallowed hard. His breath was warm on my skin, and my legs felt like they were melting. His hands had managed to find the hem of my dress and were pushing my underwear down. I wanted to protest, but I knew it was a bad idea. He dipped a hand into my vagina, and I grasped. "Wet and ready," he murmured into my ear before he bit it. I grasped. "This is what you came for, right?" he asked, circling my clit. I squeezed my eyes shut because the feeling was too intense to think. "Answer me, or I won't let you come," he said. I opened my eyes and gasped again, feeling increased pressure.

"No," I screamed. He laughed "Liar," and pinched my clit. I yelped in pain and pleasure. "Tell me the truth, tell me you came here to feel my fingers inside you," he whispered in my ear. I could barely breathe; I wanted to say what he wanted me to say. I needed to cum, but I wanted to tell him the truth too. My brain was very hazy, and I whimpered. "Say it," he said, rubbing my clit harder but not hard enough to let me come. "I..I..made dinner. I came to" his hand stilled, and I whimpered. I tried to move my hips, but his other hand was holding me steady. "You did what?" he asked. I tried to push the need from my brain, but it was so hard. He always had this effect on me. I just could not resist him. Just looking at him was enough to turn me into a sex doll. I could feel his still hand on my clit, and I wanted him to continue moving them. But I had also gotten to know him, I was the sex doll, and he was my master. I had to answer his question if I wanted pleasure. "I made dinner, and I was wondering if you wanted to eat," I said breathlessly.

He withdrew his hand from my pussy and pushed my dress down. I felt a sudden emptiness as he moved away from me. I whimpered loudly, not caring about my self-esteem, and mentally kicked myself for not lying to him. "Where is Arti? Did she not make dinner?" His cold voice stung. I hadn't expected to hear that; he sounded so unaffected by the whole thing. "I felt like cooking, so I told her to take the evening off," I replied. "You don't have to eat with me. I am sorry," I had no idea what I was apologizing for, but it was an excellent way to stop rambling. I turned around and left the room.

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