Chapter 6

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Trigger warning: Rape scene

I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling thirsty. I gulped down a ton of water and turned to look at Salil's sleeping form. His body was very muscular. His abs were well defined, and his legs could crush a skull. I guess the two hours he spent in the gym every morning were paying off. His dark hair and dark eyes stood out against his wheat-like complexion. His strong jaw and high cheekbones had made me lust him from the moment I had set my sights on him in my father's office.

My father was trying to sell his trucking company. He was a very skilled negotiator and had many offers from all over the world. However, Salil's offer triumphed them all. Apparently, he had seen me at some party a long time ago and "wanted" me. His proposal included marriage to me and my father's company's name remaining the same under Salil's leadership. My dad could continue to work in whatever capacity that pleased him. Essentially, my dad was still the boss, gained all the profits, but had no headaches. Salil was involved in many different businesses, but this was his first step in trucking, and my father was an ideal mentor for him.

My dad did not force me to marry him despite the offer. We did not really need the money from selling the company anyway. However, I knew how much the company meant to my dad. I had never been interested in his business and hence, couldn't take over the company. This deal would ensure my dad's name would go on even after he vanquished control of his business.

Moreover, I had just broken up with my boyfriend. He and I knew we won't have a future together. After six years of togetherness, we had decided to explore other options for our future.

Salil and I had spoken a couple of times before I decided to get married to him. The conversations were generally around our professional lives. He was confident in his manner and extremely good looking. I could think of no reason to refuse the marriage. I knew I would have a perfect life with him except for one small thing I had not mentioned to my parents. On the day of our engagement, I had heard Salil's mother beg him to not marry me. At first, I thought it was because we weren't as rich as they were. But then her words sank in "she is a good girl and from a good family. She deserves love, affection, and care. Look at her eyes, she is so innocent. Why do you want to marry her? Why". Her words were laced with worry, worry for me. My heart was beating very fast. I didn't want them to know I had heard them, but I also wanted to hear more. His mother was sobbing now. "You only want her for her looks. I know that, and you will ruin that innocent girl with your ungodly ways. I hope God instills some sense in you, and you leave that poor girl alone." I heard his mother's footsteps and quickly entered the stairway next to me.

Three weeks ago, I had realized what she meant by "Ungodly ways." I wonder how she knew about his fetishes. It is not really a topic a son discusses with his mother. I knew better than to ask. I was very shocked when he had thrown me on his bed on our wedding night. He has not said a single word to me. He had then proceeded to tie my hands with a rope to the headboard. I had screamed and tried to break free, but nothing worked. I had asked him to stop numerous times, had asked him what he was doing, and why he was doing what he was doing. He did not say a single word to me that night. He had removed my skirt and my underwear. He then took out a pair of scissors, and I screamed hard. I thought he would stab me, but he was only trying to cut out my top. I cried hard and begged him to leave my wedding outfit alone. I had spent a lot of time trying to find this outfit, and I couldn't bear to see him cut it from my body.

I had closed my eyes and gasped for some air. I had opened them only when I heard the loud clunk of the scissors hitting the floor. I had looked at Salil gratefully and realized he wasn't a monster. Actually, he was a monster, just not ruthless. He bit and scratched my neck, spanked my ass and thighs, rubbed and fingered my pussy hole and clit. He drove me to come again and again. He was making me like what he was doing to me. Each spank was followed by a soft kiss. He was making me whimper for more until I was putty in his hands. I was ready to do anything he asked. On our first night, he had discovered more secrets about my body than even I had been aware of. On our first night, he made my body his slave.

Salil had a bell installed in my room. I had to appear in his bedroom whenever he rang it. He majorly rang it at night after dinner at around 8 pm. Some nights, when he came home late, I would wait to hear the bell. If he missed a night, my whole body would be buzzing for his touch the next day. He took me further every day. He introduced me to many toys and instruments of pleasure. He taught me how to please him, but he only let me please him after thoroughly satisfying me. Then, I quietly would get out of his bed and go and sleep in my room. Tonight, I had broken the monotony of that routine by cooking dinner.

His eyes flickered open under my intense gaze. He pulled me down to him and held me tightly and went back to sleep.

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