A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Fifteen

Start from the beginning

"Literally under our noses." August quips.

"And literally ironic too." Admeta intones, a sly smile on her lips.

Elijah gazes around as I turn to Remy and August. "We have to speak with de Forda." It wasn't a statement.

"Didn't have to tell me twice..." Remy mutters, letting his hands drop to his sides before turning to me.

"But will he want to speak with you?" Admeta mentions, leaning back on the door as we turn to her. "You stole his heritage, remember."

"But we stole it back!" Elijah argues, pointing to the artefact on August's desk. Oh, ignorance is truly blissful.

August smiles apologetically. "It's not that simple, Elijah."

The teenage Ember tilts his head. "Obviously, I'm not that stupid," he rolls his eyes. "But why can't it be? You stole it but you stole it back. Adrien may not like you for stealing something that was rightfully his in the first place but he can't turn you away if you offer to give it back."

I narrow my eyes. "Are you basically saying we blackmail him?" I question slowly, albeit suspiciously.

Elijah slides his hands into pockets and innocently rocks back and forth of the balls of his feet, shrugging as if he isn't inadvertently talking about blackmail. "Not exactly..." He stops rocking. "Call it...an exchange of interests. You offer to give back something he so desires in exchange for what we desire."

August and Remy glance at each other with brows raised in approval as Admeta taps her forefinger on her crossed arm, smirking.

Elijah shrugs again. "He gets his artefact back and you get information on Argentum Maria," He flashes us a broad, childish grin. "I'd call it a win-win situation if you ask me."

The room reverts back to silence as we all mull over the idea that was surprisingly presented from the mouth of a seemingly childish teenager. I'm hardly surprised but this kid managed to outsmart me in eighty-three words. That calls for a round of applause. But I'm not going to let them know that little piece of information.

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