New Beginning 2.0

Start from the beginning

"It's alright—by that I mean, very well? Like, Lisa is very much a different person but she is still herself? Like? More mature and wiser and she is so careful with the things she would do or say and she always try to communicate with me? Like?? Is this Lisa?"

Jisoo laughs along with her, "Well, I guess, she learned from her mistake and want to gain your trust and values again and try to not hurt you despite her busy work or everything"

"Yeah, I can see that she puts me first in everything"

Jisoo smiles warmly at the latter, "That's how you know she's still the Lisa we used to know. She puts you first—always"

Jennie couldn't feel more proud than this. Yes, she might be cocky but having Lisa by her side... She should brag about it more.

In the afternoon, still at work, Jennie is checking her phone, she then visits her social media. She couldn't believe she gained so many followers within days. She bets it was because of that guy Kai came to her store and some paparazzi shot them thus made a really big fuss around the neighbourhood. He is really big in South Korea, apparently—and Jennie just happened to know about it after she searched him on the Internet.

It's weird that she feels insecure and alarmed since this guy is so popular that it would somehow affect badly for her business. But it turned out to be okay—even better. She got acknowledge by more people and also her stores. She even read about herself once on the internet—mostly accurate but things about her are still missing.

She made this 'Search Jennie name on the internet' a regular thing—well, maybe once a week. To make sure there are no rumours going on around her—the rumour about her dating this Kai guy is already too much. Though his agency already made a statement that the two are just friends, there are people, mostly his fans that still ship them both.

She sometimes wonders if they ever look out on her Instagram. She posted a bunch of pictures of her and Lisa—or maybe they just like to ship them without caring much about her actual girlfriend.

Jennie stopped scrolling when she reads 'Jenkai fanfictions'. Her eyes widened as she opens the link.

"A what now?" Jennie said in confused. She knew what it means but she just out of words. People are actually writing about her!

"Oh, man..." She sighed after she finished reading the first chapter.

Just by that, somebody knocked on her door, "Come in!" She exclaims. Not too loud, just enough so the person could hear her.

The smiley face behind the door appeared like a little kid, Jennie smiled warmly at the later as she gets up and half-running towards her. She throws herself on her; engulfed her arms on her neck.

"Hey! Wow, you are in a good mood" Lisa said.

Jennie shook her head, "No, actually. But I'm just so excited to see you"

Lisa smiled, she pecks her lips, "I got you this," She gave her a bouquet of Jennie's favourite flower that Jennie didn't aware the latter is holding it.

"Thank you! It's really beautiful," She said, receiving the bouquet and take a smell of it.

Lisa snakes her arm around her waist as she caresses it, "So, why aren't you in a good mood?" She asked.

Jennie groans as she rested her head on the latter's chest, "There is something I want to tell you. But please don't be upset"

Lisa knitted her brows, "Uhm, okay... But if you want to tell me about Kai, I'm okay with it—I mean, I was jealous but well, Jisoo told me you were not interested. Besides, I won"

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