28; unfinished fake marriage

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this was gonna be a longer fic about faking marriage for moneys that turned into them wanting to actually be married so......yeah, yw for predicting the george alex proposal pic way back in 2019


It's the fourth time they've done this, and most likely not the last.

George wants to feel guilty about it, feel some semblance of regret, but he doesn't. Something about it just feels strangely satisfying. Alex is less empty on it, saying afterwards that he feels scummy for doing this, especially four times now. Yet, he always lets George convince him to go along with it anyway.

They're at this somewhat new diner that opened up a couple blocks from their flat; Will had said their burgers are some of the best he's had, and George isn't one to ignore one of his best mates words – usually. It depends on what words he's saying.

"Are we doing dessert or something?" Alex asks, looking up at him from where his head is perched in his palm. George tries to ignore how pretty Alex looks, and promptly fails when the corners of the other man's mouth quirk upwards.

"Well, we could," George hints, sliding across the bench of the booth towards the edge. "You fancy a sundae?"

"George, no–" Alex starts, groaning into his palms when George slips down onto the floor on one knee. "George, get the fuck up, you absolute mong."

"Nah," He replies and tries not to feel too pleased with himself when he catches Alex's pink cheeks beneath his hands. "Nah, I'm alright down here."

"Seriously, get up or I'm–" Alex cuts himself off with a heavy sigh, a hint of defeat in its tone. There's already people looking, mostly in the closer booths. George's aim is to draw the attention of the servers – and to embarrass Alex.

"Alex," George says, loud enough that a few more people look over. "Babe, you're the best person in my life–"

"Fuck off, George." Alex mumbles to himself. He knows what George is going to say; it's almost rehearsed like a play by now, words coming out before he can even think of them.

"And I can't imagine myself with anybody but you. You're so–You're fucking gorgeous, you're funny and, God, you're just the only thing I want. You're all I'll ever want again, really." George drags in a deep breath, holding out a hand to Alex. "I don't have a ring, not yet, but...I want to do this. I want you."

"George..." Alex sighs, letting him grasp onto his hand. He sounds touched, but George knows he's holding back disappointment.

"Will you marry me, Alex?" George asks, finally. Alex's face goes even redder beneath his other hand, eyes darting around the room. Nobody's really talking anymore, just a baby babbling in one of the corner booths.

Alex nods, and even makes his eyes tear up slightly. "Yeah," He breathes out, "Yeah, I'll fucking marry you."

Some people clap when George stands and pulls Alex into a hug, making sure to kiss the other man's mouth wetly so he groans and wipes at it. He keeps up the act, hugging Alex and burying his face in his shoulder, holding Alex's face in his hands to kiss him occasionally, until their waitress comes by and offers a free dessert.

George grins at Alex, then asks for the cookie dough sundae that he saw Alex looking at earlier.

When Alex groans and knocks his head against his shoulder, mumbling about how he hates him, George thinks he might just love this boy even more – especially when he keeps going along with this scheme. George doesn't actually think Alex wants to say no to it anyway. Maybe he likes being proposed to, if he's letting George do it a fourth time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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