13; oblivious

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-I would love it if you could do a fic where Alex and George are very flirty, even give each other hickeys, and everyone thinks they're dating but they always deny it until they realize it on their own

for anon on tumblr uwu Oh Man Oh Man This Sure Is A Wonderful Life We Live In uwu ty for such a class idea lad


James has no idea what they're doing. Well, he knows what they're doing, but he hasn't a clue on why they're doing it.

He's been sat there after recording another podcast episode, plotting how much money he could get out of beating Alex at FIFA again, when he realised that Alex and George had been trying to put a pizza in the oven for about ten minutes when it should be two. But they got distracted, somehow. By each other.

To be accurate, he'd watched George get distracted by Alex and start to get a little too close than James was comfortable seeing. George had muttered something too quiet for him to hear and it – whatever it was – made Alex laugh and place a hand on George's arm in a manner that was absolutely downright flirty. But George's own hand placed on Alex's waist confused things a little. The way they stood was too comfortable and natural for James to think it was just flirting. Had he just been duped of the knowledge that his mates were actually dating? It could be a prank, but they barely seem aware of James at all.

James almost shouts "Finally!" at them when the pizza is finally in the oven. More so for the fact that he'd just watched them both get closer than he's ever seen them, and he was starting to get antsy refraining from making any comments about it.

"You alright, James?" George asks him once they've both sat down. Him and Alex are too close once again on the sofa, but they don't even seem to notice the hand Alex has put on George's thigh, or the arm George has casually thrown over the back of the sofa. There's barely any space between them.

"Yeah, yeah." James nods and watches as George loads Dark Souls: Remastered on the PS4. Shit, he was actually hoping to play FIFA – Alex wouldn't stop talking about the new right corner he'd gotten for his custom team and James had wanted to prove that no matter what team he has, Alex is still pretty shit at it.

"You're not ever gonna be able to play this, y'know that, right?" Alex smirks at George. "You've been trying to get past the Valley all week."

"Fuck off, wanna bet on it?" George retorts and swings a leg over into Alex's lap. "Thirty quid says I can get past it tonight."

"Thirty quid," Alex sighs, resting his hands comfortably on the leg in his lap, settling on George's inner thigh. James tries not to make any sort of comment on that either. "James? You bet he can make these jumps?"

James looks at the TV. No harm in making money off someone else's misery tonight without him having to do anything, is there? "Go on then – thirty quid for you to get past whatever it is."

George only grins and approaches some sort of dead dragon. "You sure you wanna bet on that? I've already made it further than last time."

"Just because you've done some jumps, doesn't mean you're gonna get the thirty quid." Alex with a teasing lilt to his voice. "That's going t' come alive."

"It's not gonna come alive." George replies. "That's what they want you t' think so you miss out on this cool shit." He says, picking up a glowing object from in front of the dead beast.

"You don't even know what it's for!" Alex cries.

"It's going to come alive." James chips in.

Which it does, causing George's character to be smacked off the edge and sent falling to his death. But it's not what James is focusing on anymore. Alex cackles and slaps George's leg lightly, trying to stifle his giggles when the other man shoots him a glare and moves his leg away.

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