10; mistletoe

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-I was wondering if you could write a George/alex Christmassy fic where they get stuck under the mistletoe at a party[...]

for twiceknighted on ao3
uwu i know i said i wasn't gonna post anymore for the holidays but.....but srsly why didnt i do anything festive bc i love this....and yes i am renaming the things soon lol i swear


The tradition of mistletoe, on paper, is a good idea. In practice? It's less glamorous than you expect it to be, and always ends horribly. George hates it. He still remembers Lacy McCole from Year 10 English trying to corner him under mistletoe all night at the Christmas disco and, when she succeeded, trying to slip him tongue in front of the P.E. teacher.

If it's not him stuck under the stupid plant, it's quite funny to see people awkwardly fumble their way out of a kiss. Like tonight.

George and James, along with some other random people at the party, have been laughing at everybody caught under the mistletoe so far and how they either proceed with an awkward kiss on the cheek or ignore each other altogether. There was two people that got a bit too into the tradition, but James had handed him a shot and the scene was thankfully cleared from George's immediate memory.

George honestly doesn't even know who's house this is. Or who's party it is. Probably somebody older than anybody he knows, because who can afford a house at his age? But most of his friends were at the Christmas party and he was invited, so of course he's going to spend his Sunday night getting wasted beyond repair before he goes home for Christmas.

"I think we should bait Alex into coming in here," James hums next to him. "Get him to meet somebody for the holidays or something."

George instantly disagrees with that idea. James is usually good with coming up with amazing things, but what a fantastically shit idea he just had the nerve to utter. Alex shouldn't make out with anybody that's at this party (anybody that isn't him, at least).

"Uh, why?" George asks. "What's the point? He's going home tomorrow anyway."

"Because he's a lonely fucker and probably locked himself in the bathroom to avoid talking to anybody." James replies with a sigh, as if it's obvious. It's not as obvious as James thinks it is, because George is utterly confused.

"So what? Just let 'im do whatever, it's Christmas." George waves him off refilling his wine glass. God, whatever this wine is, it's shit too. How can James stand this stuff?

"Yeah, but if we don't do something, no one will." James is tipsy. George isn't sure if it's more annoying or upsetting that James wants to have Alex snog a stranger under the mistletoe. "George, it's a good idea, I swear. He's, like, in love or pining after somebody and it's annoying to always see him moping. This'll help him get over it."

Since when was Alex in love with somebody? Or, at least, somebody that isn't George, like it could be? He hasn't noticed anything different with the man, except maybe he's a little more reserved at the flat. December makes them all get a little inward, it's nothing too unusual.

"Whatever," George dismisses it. "I'll go 'nd find him, he's probably here somewhere." He might come across Alex, but he needs to do some thinking. Thinking that doesn't involve Alex's smile, or Alex's eyes softening when he laughs at something George says, or the crinkle of his nose whenever he concentrates, or– Nothing to do with Alex. Just thinking.

"Make sure to get him under the mistletoe with someone!" James shouts at him while George makes sure nobody else is coming through the doorway.

He sure as fuck is not going to get anybody under the mistletoe with Alex.

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