17; seraph

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-George and Alex having their first date and kiss?

gasps oh my.........i love these boys (: .......also ik they dont drive but please let me have this one okay

also i got a bit religious soz /:


"C'mon," George tells the other boy, who's slouched down on the sofa and scrolling through any apps that give him mild satisfaction. "We're going out."

"Out?" Alex questions, frowning at George. "Out where? It's almost midnight, George."

"I'm hungry, and I'm bored shitless waiting for something to happen." George grabs a jacket and his keys from the counter. He's not lying either; he'd much rather drive around aimlessly like he's in an indie movie right now than sit another second watching dust. Both his and Alex's sleep is completely fucked beyond repair right now, so it's not like he could just sleep it off.

"Right." Alex sighs reluctantly but follows George out the door anyway, waiting with hands in his hoodie pocket as George locks the door.

"Where are we going?" Alex asks in the lift. "Please don't say fucking Five Guys again. There are only so many spicy fries I can take."

"Dunno," George replies, eyeing himself in the lift mirror before the doors open. "Maccies? I'm seriously craving one of those spicy veggie wraps right now."

Alex hums and grins, swaying on his feet while he waits for George to unlock the car. "Cheap, easy and delicious. Sounds good t'me."

George snorts at the other boy. "Sounds like you."

"You saying I'm delicious?" Alex smirks over at George. In the dim lighting of the overhead light in the car, he looks unfairly breathtaking. Anybody else under it would look unflattering, but Alex looks radiant, somehow. George pushes down that thought quickly.

"Nah, saying you're easy, and cheap. It doesn't take much to get you in a video." George teases, receiving an exasperated sigh and the upturn of lips as Alex looks down at his phone. If George's eyes linger on Alex longer then they should before he begins driving, then nobody needs to know.


"Did we have to get this much?" Alex groans when another paper bag falls off his lap. "I mean, you got two Happy Meals, George. I don't think you need a chicken burger meal and a wrap as well."

"Better than starving." George replies, pulling out of the drive-through.

Alex sighs, and they sit in silence for a few moments, before the other boy perks up again. "Can we go to that parking tower like we did before?" He asks, gesturing loosely somewhere to the left, "I liked that last time."

George swallows and makes a turn. He remembers that evening too well. They'd gone out to pick up some food when none on the Uber Eats app took their interest, parked up at the top of an almost-empty parking tower and ate there. George couldn't ever forget the way Alex looked at him that night; softly and warm, like George was handpicked in an apple orchard, and he was left feeling lost and useless when Alex hadn't taken a bite.

George tries not to think of that night as a date, because it wasn't. He hasn't intended for either of these nights to be a date. This isn't a date. He wants it to be, but that's another thought he has to push down.

EIGHTH WONDER; memeulous & imallexxDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora