24; attention

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for cc anon x

this highkey shite and short and weird pacing sorry ): but george does have nice hands so good for him ig

oh my god eighth wonder disappeared last night in the wattpad outage and i was fully prepared to freak out nd delete my acc if it was gone is2g i couldve cried


Alex has a problem.

It's small at first, only something that catches his eye at first and nothing more. It's minor, minuscule, only at the back of his mind when he notices.

But the more he notices, the bigger a problem it becomes. The more he notices George's hands, his fingers, anything. It's hard not to notice George in general, especially when he lives with the man, but seeing his hands in photos or feeling them on him does something weird to Alex, makes him stomach turn.

It's always the worst moments that Alex finds himself looking at George too, watching his pretty eyes and pink mouth and short fingers no matter what else is happening.

They're drinking casually that night, just between the two of them, not enough to get completely hammered but enough to make Alex's senses go a little soft. He's watching George play on the Xbox until he gives up and throws the controller aside, an arm going onto the back of the sofa and the other hand resting on his lap.

They're just...there. Everybody has them, and yet Alex is fixated on George's, even if they're not doing anything. He feels weird and ashamed as he stares at the hands, curved slightly at the knuckle and thumb on one hand playing idly with the hem of George's jeans pocket.

It's then that his thoughts take a turn. He silently thinks about how those fingers would feel, boney and short and soft-looking. It turns into how they would feel against his skin, his hips, his back, his face, How they would feel inside him, any which way, any way George would allow, and it's that thought that finally causes the spark of flames that heat up his face.

George takes notice, squinting at Alex as he squirms in his seat slightly. But it doesn't take long for Alex to open his mouth, eyes fixated on the hand resting lazily on the sofa.

"I wanna suck on your fingers," Alex rushes out suddenly, completely by mistake. It's an unprompted confession he wouldn't make without the three or four JD and Cokes he's had, dizzying his thoughts until he's saying the wrong ones. "I mean–Fuck. You have nice hands, I mean. Like they're...you have hot hands."

George snorts a laugh at him, disbelieving. "What, you wanna suck on these bad boys? That why you're acting all weird?" He teases and lifts up the hand that belongs to the arm thrown over the back of the sofa, holding up two fingers before dropping one and subsequently swearing at Alex.

Alex just heats up, not just on his face, a thick warmth that feels like slow-dripping syrup filling his stomach from being able to look so freely at the other boy's hands. Usually he's frightened, only taking safe passing glances at jutting knuckles and thin fingers that George won't notice. But he notices it now, catching him looking when Alex looks up from staring at the hand that's now dropped again. George doesn't seem to mind.

In fact, he looks more amused. There's a knowing smile on his face, eyebrows quirked up in a way that only confirms it. His fingers tap a nameless tune against the sofa to only further taunt Alex into staring at them.

"You're so obvious," George scoffs finally, "C'mere." He urges and shuffles over so there's room for Alex to sit beside him.

Alex swallows, debating the idea, before giving in. He sits next to George because it feels right, having him so close, having George's arm behind him on the back of the sofa, hands gripping firmly onto his shoulders. It makes the coiling warmth twisting his insides together at feeling the hands that he's only felt upon him so few times now suddenly overwhelmingly physical.

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