2; temptation

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You are wearing one of my hoodies and nothing else and I'm pretty sure you are actually trying to kill me

creative outlets are ...hmmm.....a bitch to handle.....

also moving it from safe to mature in one swoop here lads, i changed the prompt a little too also im still a prat bc this is literally over 5 times as long as the last one smh


Merging a wardrobe was something that happened naturally. It's rarely unusual for them to share clothes now when their styles are so similar to one another. It's not a big deal either, not when Alex likes the shirts and jackets George owns that his own clothing selection lacks, and George likes borrowing Alex's merch hoodies during the particularly cold days that Summer has left them with.

Sharing a wardrobe – alongside sharing many other things – doesn't mean they stray outside of their own colour palette often. George sticks to the darker colours he can find, while Alex is rarely seen in anything above the waist that isn't whites or pinks. Which means it's no surprise that the few lighter colours of George's clothing soon becomes Alex's by default, and he's seen in them more and more frequently.

One of them he doesn't recognise, however, is one Alex is currently wearing. While George had gone downstairs to retrieve their delivered groceries, Alex had somehow managed to wake up before noon (after spending over half the night editing) and was found sprawled across the sofa like he owns it – which, technically, he does own half – and watching whatever British morning TV is on. The clothing overlaying Alex's torso is a light pink, the same shade of pink as the 'Internet Sensation' merch, with the same white text on the front. The only difference is that it displays George's YouTube name in cursive print, rather than the block capitals he's used to seeing on that colour hoodie.

"Where'd you find that?" George questions, filling the silence of the room that the TV couldn't fill. "I don't remember ever gettin' one in that colour." He hears a shuffle behind him from his spot in the kitchen, where he's putting away the shopping.

"Found it at the bottom of one of your drawers," The other says. He's looking at George from over the arm of the sofa, sleeve-covered hands cushioning his chin. "I didn't even know you had merch in pink. It looks good." Alex hums. He then smiles sweetly at George. "Can you make me a cup of tea?"

George rolls his eyes, but gets out a mug anyway. He ponders for a second while he waits for the water to boil. He actually doesn't remember getting that print of his merch, or at least not in pink. The only colours he ever remembers receiving are mostly black and a few odd white shirts. Either it's one George doesn't recall getting from when he was first making the merch, or it's one Alex has bought but it landed in George's end of the clothing. It's not a big deal anyway; clothes are clothes he supposes.

Except he realises quickly that the hoodie seems to be the only clothes that Alex is wearing. His legs are bare except for socks, bent at the knee slightly and stretched across the couch. But it's hard to tell if there's actually anything under the hoodie or not. George passes the mug to him and nudges Alex's legs aside to sit down beside him. "You're not telling me that you're naked under that, right?" He jokes and Alex scoffs at him. He's sat up slightly now with one foot in George's knee and the other on the floor.

" 'Course not," The hem of the hoodie is lifted to reveal he isn't naked and is instead wearing black briefs that only barely cover a quarter of his thighs. George feels himself inhale softly and swallow at the sight; it's too similar to other ways he's seen Alex on this sofa, and he's thankful Alex doesn't seem to notice his slight distraction at the sight. "I'm not that daft, George, people other than us use this sofa, y'know."

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