8; selfie

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– I sent a selfie of myself in the tub to the wrong number and you responded back with another selfie. Holy shit you're really attractive

im extremely soft for alex lately, i love that funky bi boy sm. im in love again

oh.....writing texts are so....fun......i should do it more often


To say that Tinder was one of his least favourite apps to exist was an understatement. Same thing with Grindr, except more so. (Guys keep asking for weird pictures on there. It's an uncomfortable experience.) Dating apps were all the same and while some people were nice, a lot of them were just looking to shag.

Alex had gone through with maybe around four matches to actually meeting in person, but nothing ever came of it. Overall, he uses the apps mostly out of boredom and hasn't quite deleted them yet. Though he promises himself that nothing works with this guy he just got the number of through Tinder, then he's deleting them for good.

And if Alex is completely honest, he thinks this guy could be the only person he's met through either app who's not a twat.

He's funny – even if he did make a poor attempt at a tide pod joke – and he didn't laugh when Alex mentioned his job is making videos on the internet where he complains for twelve minutes. If this person's – Matthew – profile is also actually them, he's easy on the eyes too.

Alex is nervous, though. Like, 'I will cry if anybody even looks at me' nervous.

He'd asked Matthew if he wanted to meet up somewhere tomorrow to break the ice. That was- how long ago? Seven hours. It's been seven hours since Alex had sent the text and three hours since Matthew had looked at the text.

So, if Alex actually said he was nervous to anybody that asked, he's severely under-exaggerating.

He decides to take everybody's advice for once and relax, running himself a bath and 'accidentally' using more than he should have the apple-scented bubble stuff that smells really good. He may look twelve, but he swears he's not.

By the time he's officially relaxing and has some of his favourite current music playing through Bluetooth speakers, Alex is halfway through forgetting he ever texted Matthew in the first place. Until his phone goes off and almost falls off the closed toilet lid, which Alex only rushes to catch because he cares about the safety of his phone, okay?

And, thank God, it is Matthew. Alex previews the text notification after wiping his slippery hands. Apparently he lost his phone during work and couldn't reply, blahblahblah. Something about how he can't do tomorrow because of work, something about how he'll make it up to Alex by buying him coffee tomorrow, something about making it up to him with something else (Ew.), and-Oh. Apparently Matthew also sent a shirtless picture. As a way of making it up to him, despite promises of coffee.

Alex rolls his eyes and considers deleting the number there and then. Shirtless pictures always seem so...asshole-ish. Like you spent your teenage years shoving Year 7's into bins and standing outside Tesco at eleven at night. Alex doesn't know why he was so nervous now.

Being the funny comedian Alex is known to be, he taps on the most recent text thread and decides to send a picture back instead. He's pulling the most disinterested face he can while holding his phone outside of the tub and catching himself half-submerged in the water. After Matthew replies, Alex is officially done with dating apps. His career and personal life come first now.

Alex sighs and leans back. Can't he just get somebody's number without them wanting to bang the first time they meet?

His phone buzzes again and Alex doesn't rush this time to retrieve it.

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