5; confession

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-i think a video prompt where alex and george are recording, then alex out of the blue just kisses george would be the cutest thing
-i would seriously cry of happiness if you did a chapter of alex sheepishly admitting his feelings to george

bless zerteszung for such class ideas, thank u again! xoxo (hope u dont mind that i did both in one lad, got a bit carried away djfhfd)

in the wise words of hobo johnson in peach scone: 'he's a writer, a little writer boy' bc that's all i've been doin lads, just one after the other! im the little writer boy!


Recording with George is always a pleasure to Alex and he can't think of a single time he's turned down an offer to do so. Unless he's not physically there, Alex always takes up the invitation to film whatever George asked him to, even if it's only a simple twenty seconds that make it into the final cut. He's happy to provide entertainment that George asks for in videos. (While also denying that the reason he does is because he's head over heels for the other man. Which is absolutely false. It's only a little thing. He swears.)

They're looking at questionable Facebook groups for George's channel and sure enough, what George has found can only be described as such.

So far, they've looked at some of the many dating groups that plague the website - a classic, obvious first choice - before moving onto groups people made for their weirdly personal medical information and several strange fetish groups they both instantly wish they hadn't delved into.

It's going well; they're both firing quality jokes like bullets at the expense of the poor souls on Facebook and every time George laughs heartily at something, Alex can't help but join in.

What isn't going good is Alex himself. Despite knowing that there's no way George knows, he feels that if he moves even an inch out of place then George will surely discover whatever feelings Alex might be struggling to grasp onto. It's hard to ignore the other's laughs and hidden smiles that are hidden beneath the bandana and directed towards him, causing an involuntary flush of nervousness to settle high on his cheeks. It only worsens each time they catch eyes behind George's dark glasses that make him look like an absolute twat.

Alex can't decide if George using a facecam for the video is good or not; it's a middle ground between yes it's a good thing, because then he can't actually see the asshole's handsome face beneath his disguise, and definitely not a good thing when Alex isn't the one that can edit out whatever lovestruck looks he's sending George.

It still doesn't stop Alex from staring longer than he would like when George is reading something on the screen. Watching George's eyes, his jaw, things that are exposed only to him in that moment.

It's only when George turns to face him that Alex realises he wasn't actually listening to a damn thing.

"You alright, mate?" George asks. "You've been, uh. You've been staring quite a bit." He at least has the decency to sound concerned and not at all weirded out, which is what Alex has feared would grace the other's voice one of these days.

"Yeah, yeah, 'm fine. Just blanked out a bit, sorry," Alex mumbles, blinking a few times as if he's trying to empty his mind. He can't bring himself to look at George now; embarrassment is weighing evidently on his cheeks.

"You sure?" George pushes further. He's taking off his glasses and tugging down the bandana, which is absolutely not what Alex needs right now. "I noticed you've been kinda off around me recently. I haven't done anythin' wrong, have I?"

Alex looks up at him with a disbelieving look. "What?" He questions rhetorically. "You haven't done anything wrong, don't worry. It's not-No, mate, it's not you. I've just kinda been-" He inhales sharply, biting at his bottom lip. George is looking at him confusedly now, and it's hard not to just let anything that comes to mind come spilling out in a messy confession.

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