6; night out

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SideSmallDick asked for bottom alex and what kinda git would i be to deny such a wonderful concept?

also ur a fool if u don't go read my lad zerteszung's alex/george fic bc it's proper class okay so. go read it now


After several days of saying they would, both George and Alex had found the time to finally celebrate their own separate subscriber milestones. It had taken some time to organise around other things that occupied their attention but eventually, with their night cleared and videos scheduled to upload the following day, they'd managed to rope James and Will into joining them for a night out. George had gotten Josh and Nina to tag along too after not seeing either of them for far too long.

Apparently Will had found a new place they could try out, saying that they play 'class 80s 'n 90s shite all the time' and endlessly talked about some bloke that bought him drinks because he liked Will's shoes. It was easy for all of them to agree to go to that particular place, even if it was only to make Will stop talking about how his shoes weren't as shit as George had once jokingly said they were.

While it wasn't as busy as they were all expecting, there was still a sizeable number of people taking up all corners within the club. They'd achieved in snatching up a free table while it was still empty and Will had already gone to get some shots along with George to help carry them and whatever other drinks they wanted.

"So, how's it feeling to be a real internet sensation, Alex?" James said; he was referencing Alex's recent achievement of 650,000 subscribers. "Though that's nothing compared to my whopping 200k." He tacked onto the end with a joking smile.

"Woah, of course, didn't mean to step into your spotlight, Mister Marriott." Alex raised his arms and edged away slightly in a mock-apologetic manner. "No, no, but it feels really good to know that literally all those people are watching and subscribing for me, y'know?" His hands had wandered to one of the napkins on the table and had begun folding two of the corners of it. He always did get a bit sheepish when it came to explaining things like that.

"Yeah, just wait 'til Kanye is following you on Twitter, mate." Josh remarked with a fake laugh as Will and George returned back to the table with a circular tray of shots and glass bottles.

George began handing a shot to everybody around the table, and Will put the several bottles in the middle, all of them being a different type of cider. "I can't believe you're still going on about Kanye following you, Josh." George sighed as he sat in the outer seat beside Alex. "You know he followed loads of other people and not just you, right?"

"Yeah but uh, I don't see him anywhere in your followers list." Josh scoffed and instantly downed his shot.

"T' YouTube fame!" Will cheered and held up his shot and downed it too, everybody else repeating the phrase and following suit. Under the table, George's hand had found Alex's and grasped it with a soft squeeze.

From then onwards, it doesn't take long for all of them to at least get tipsy, though Josh and Will had gone on the path of getting trashed with more shots to see who could do the most between them. In the end, it didn't really seem like either of them had won when they both let the others take the remaining shots.

James had convinced Alex, who was more than tipsy enough to make a fool of himself, to do a Fortnite dance – one he'd never even known about, to add to the pain – by himself among the other mingling people on the open floor. George had to hand it to him that he did do pretty good until Africa by Toto began playing on the speakers and he's stopped to subsequently begin belting the lyrics of the chorus when George joined him.

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