27; unfinished pt2 weed fic

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im uploading unfinished fics and this was a pt2 to the weed fic i did whenever the fuck ago - which was gonna be josh finding george+alexs weed stash and they have a 3some


It's like staring at the blood-red eyes of a beast in the dark of night when he catches Alex's glowing eyes through the lazy, rising smoke between them. A beast, a predator, stalking him down a desolate path until he's vulnerable and bare, unsure if this is just the beast's curiosity or its hunger watching him. But the smoke clears, and it's only Alex there. It's only Alex watching him, with cherry lips parted and eyes shining a hazy blue – no red. It's just Alex; safety, security, nothing to be afraid of except the overwhelming feeling of intimacy that's washing over George. Alex is the only one watching him, and George thinks he wouldn't mind so much if the other man was the beast that's trying to bury its claws into him.

"You're cute," Alex murmurs so softly that George would've missed it if he wasn't so hyper aware of everything Alex is doing. "You're–You're so cute, all soft and doe-eyed right now." He nods to confirm his words, fingers tracing under George's eyes and dropping to the line of his mouth.

George swallows but can't think of the words. They're swimming in his head, drowning, unable to be reached. But he finds he doesn't need them anyway, not when Alex pulls his face forward into a kiss that leaves his blood humming beneath his skin.

Hands cupping his cheeks treat George like he's delicate, like a doll with porcelain skin that could shatter under the slightest bit of misuse. But it doesn't feel wrong or patronising, but instead like Alex treasures him enough to not ruin him. It feels like Alex doesn't want to ruin them, and what they've made together over their time together.

It dawns on George that Josh is there, not the only one looking at him, like an observer to the transparent dome they've surrounded themselves in. Josh is there, watching them, coming up behind Alex until he's in the dome with them, doing something that makes the man let out a shaky moan into his mouth.

George wants to be jealous when Alex pulls back to lean his head back on Josh's shoulder, baring his neck for the other man to suck bruises onto. He wants to be jealous, to storm off and sulk in his room over watching his two friends pay more mind to each other, but he can't. He doesn't want to when he's hearing the sounds Alex let out so many months ago, the same ones that have caused many a restless night for George.

George thinks of boys, of Josh and Alex, of chapped lips and melting voices that he thinks of far too much. The beast returns then, red eyes and sharp claws, now suddenly buried inside George. He feels the creeping fear hang over him from its presence, but it drops and washes away when George leans forward to press his hands into Alex's knees, hesitantly leaning into the boy's throat when a hand tugs at his shirt.

He's given himself over, and now he can willingly lose himself without fear or hesitation. There's no hesitation in the way George sucks matching bruises into the other side of Alex's throat, or any shame when he feels himself grow hard in his jeans.

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