Scarlet made her way in to the kitchen back to the girls her cup already refilled with more coffee and a sippy cup of juice for Taylor next to scarlets now clean refilled cup *look who is finally awake* lauren an the girls all smiled an cooed over Taylor awe someone still looks half asleep this caused scarlet to chuckle *it appears to be that way yes* scarlet sat down with Taylor in her lap turning him in to her chest she took his binky out his mouth causing him to whimper *ahhh mmm* oh I know bubs it's ok scarlet placed the sippy cup teat to his lips Taylor happily latching on to it whimpers slowly coming to a halt this caused Lauren to chuckle an roll her eyes *yep definitely not a morning person are we little one* taylor shook his head agreeing with his aunt not really caring at this moment he had a full sippy and his mamas warm embrace this was Taylor's favourite place to be first thing in the morning no matter what headspace big or little, taylor likes to start out his mornings with a nice warm embrace snuggle with scarlet it helps him start the day just right, scarlet could feel Taylor relaxing in her arms at every single touch she placed on his back she could feel him relaxing more an more both hearts beating rhythmically together like one big heart combined together. Taylor pushed his sippy cup away not wanting anymore he looked up at scarlet with his big brown puppy eyes full of love an contentment, scarlet looked down at Taylor an smiled *you not want anymore baby* taylor shook his head agreeing with his mama *alright baby thank you for telling mama* she took the sippy cup an placed it on the side pulling Taylor closer to her chest sensing she would not be putting him down anytime soon judging by the kola she has in her arms Taylor reached for his binky successfully getting it he placed it back in his mouth laying his head back on her chest he cuddled closer to scarlet letting out a content sigh whispering three words scarlet loves to hear *wove ooo mama* scarlets heart melted at those three simple words mama loves you too peanut so much.

Who wants breakfast? Lauren announced all the girls nodded in agreement lauren tilted her head at taylor crouching down to his eye level an what about you monkey taylor looked at lauren an nodded his head alright monkey i can do that, taylor looked at lauren an smiled he then turned back in to scarlet not really wanting to talk to anyone all he wants is his mama snuggles scarlet sat there rocking taylor side to side Ally has been watching the interaction with taylor since the moment he was brought downstairs by scarlet, tasha had noticed that taylor has not spoken other then telling scarlet that he loves her, tasha looked at ally then back to taylor, Both girls clearly picking up on taylor being mute today a clear sign that taylor would be in a very younger headspace this could be for one or two reasons iver he woke up feeling very young or taylor is feeling overwhelmed an worried about something, both girls looked at one an other clearly thinking the same thing tasha an ally giving each other a nod showing they both have picked up on this to one an other, lauren got to work at making breakfast for everyone scrambled eggs for taylor and omelettes for the others after making taylors lauren placed it next to the window to let it cool down for him why she plates the others for everyone else after successfully plating the breakfast they all began to dig in to there breakfast scarlet eating hers why feeding taylor at the same time not wanting to be away from her a clear sign today he would not want to be going to anyone else today, after breakfast was done dishes placed in the sink ready to be tackled later all five girls made there way in to the lounge deciding on what to do for the day scarlet put on cartoons for taylor to keep him entertained, ally was the first to speak so taylor has football training later do you think he will go? scarlet smiled down at taylor letting out a sigh i dont think so ally he is really young today and not spoken much only a few words now an then, running her hands through his hair taylor leaning in to her touch, i think today will be a stay at home day.

All the girls nodded in agreement alright sounds like its a pyjama day i think we could all do with that after a busy couple of days an before the move in two days time how do you think taylor will cope with the move you know he dosent like change *well i will be talking to him later about it depending on how he is later* all the girls knew that was code for if he comes out of his headspace or becomes a bigger age in his headspace right now that is something they will have to wait an see but for now everyone is just enjoying the peace an quiet pace of the day together taylor laid his head down on scarlets chest wanting to be closer to his mama, scarlet pulled him as close as she possibly could, lauren looked at taylor an smiled so we have a mute calm taylor do we know why he is mute today? scarlet smiled he woke up really young he slept well no night terrors so he slept well an just woke up like it you know what he is like but could also be from me being at work yesterday he probably just wants me close to him an caused him to go in to a deeper age all the girls smiled well thankfully then that nothing is bothering him, lauren looked at taylor an noticed his blanket was not with him so lauren made her way to the kitchen were she last see him have it spotting the blanket lauren shook it off just in case any of his breakfast got on to it, lauren made her way back into the girls taylors head turned to were lauren was spotting his blanket taylor squealed an made intense grabby hands for it *there you go monkey one blanket* booping his nose causing him to scrunch up his nose an let out a little sneeze this caused lauren to smile an scarlet to chuckle, grabbing the sleeve of her PJ top she wiped his nose an sat back down. 

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