(4) Sniper X Reader

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*Slightly suggestive!*

Don't tease him...

Don't tease him

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"So..." She began, cocking her head to the side ever so slightly.

The Aussie hummed quietly, acknowledging her voice. Sniper squinted as he stared down the scope of his rifle, scanning the empty battleground for a wandering enemy. He grumbled to himself when his sights remained void of a person. As she perched atop an idle crate, swinging her legs gently, she pondered.

"You just sit here all day doing nothing?" She spoke as she gazed over his hunched form.

"Well-" He shrugged, never completing his sentence.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "It's so boring." She drowned out.

Sniper fixated his gaze onto the open grounds once again, taking in the sights as he did so. Suddenly, making the Aussie jump in fright, a pair of arms slithered around his waist, and hugged him softly. He turned to see the girl standing beside him with her arms trapping him in place, a cheeky grin on her face all the while. Her fingers trailed along his sides, tickling him through the fabric of his shirt.

"Sheila." He warned as he tried to pry her hands from his body.

She retorted with a laugh. "What are you going to do about it? All you want to do is stare at the battlefield all day."

The rifle he gripped was left forgotten as gently grabbed hold of the girl. He hoisted her up in his arms, as she loosely hooked her legs around his hips.

"Oh, you've trapped yourself now." He chuckled mischievously.

In one rapid motion, the Sniper had pinned the girl to the wall with a massive smirk on his face. She squealed on impact, clutching onto the Aussie with a tighter grip. His fingers ran along her waist, tickling the sensitive flesh.

"Sniper!" She whined as she wriggled beneath his touch.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck. A shallow gasp fell from her lips once she felt his warm breath touch her skin. The Sniper grabbed her thighs, roughly squeezing them as he did so. His lips were soon latched onto her neck. He softly nibbled and trailed small kisses leading towards her collarbones. (Y/n) breathed a shaky moan as she shuddered beneath him.

"I've told you not to tease." He muttered between kisses. "You and I both know what happened before." He growled seductively.

Upon recalling what occurred previously, (Y/n) blushed while a grin spread across her face. "I can't say I didn't enjoy it though." She giggled.

Their eyes locked after she spoke. The Sniper's treasured hat and aviators he discarded, placing them haphazardly atop a small crate.

Forcefully, the Aussie kissed her again, though dramatically slowing the pace in which their lips moved in sync. (Y/n) cupped his face with a hand, while she let the other entangle itself in his scruffy hair. Though in the blink of an eye, Sniper abruptly separated from her lips, leaving (Y/n) to gasp in surprise.

In a gravelly voice, Sniper whispered. "Tell me love, what do you want?"

She breathed, "More~"

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