Chapter Thirty.

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I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. My mind was currently distracted by the fact that I would be late for school if I didn't hurry up. Rushing to get ready, I pulled on a pair of jeans and some flip flops for the warmer weather, along with a solid light blue button up shirt. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair, allowing my hair to be its natural wavy self.

"C'mon, Jasey!" I heard Reese call from the living room. I quickly grabbed my jacket and my bandana for work later tonight. I had to work the late shift again which was okay with me since I promised Lilly I'd go see her Granny with her right after school.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm coming." I called back as I dashed out my door. Reese and I made it to school a few minutes before the bell rang to go to class. I searched for Lilly in the crowd to talk about our plans for after school.

I finally found her sitting against the wall by our first period class. Furrowing my eyebrows, I walked over to her ad kneeled down to her level.

"Why are you sitting here?" I asked her.

"Oh, you know. Just reading a book." She held up a paper copy of the book Looking For Alaska that she had her face buried in. I laughed. It was wasn't a usual thing seeing Lilly Bradshaw reading a book. I slid down onto the floor next to her.

"I'm impressed. Now, what are we doing after school?" I asked her. She marked her page and closed the book.

"Well, you can ride with me since Reese has to get home. Then I'll drop you off at the diner afterwards." She explained and I nodded my head.

"Okay. I can walk home after my shift." I said more to myself. Lilly didn't hear though since she had already picked her book up and had already started reading again. I rolled my eyes and stood up, dusting my butt off while beginning to walk down the hall to my locker. I wasn't watching where I was going as I tried to clean my jeans off and, of course, I ran into someone.

"Sorry-" I began to say before cutting myself off. Hunter looked down at me with a blank expression like he didn't know what was going on.

"Sorry." I said again and backed up far enough so there was space between us. Hunter's mouth opened barely and closed again. His eyes were slightly red from lack of sleep and I knew he had a bad night. Guilt swelled in my chest and I had the overwhelming urge to hug him and tell him he'd be okay. That feeling left as soon as it came, though, after I remembered how he just let me leave last night. I was heart broken.

I averted my eyes from his and pushed between the kids coming towards me to get to my locker. All I wanted was to get out of here.

The day couldn't go fast enough for me today.


After school, I met Lilly outside at her car. I had told Reese that he would be driving home alone that night. He didn't mind considering he loved having the house to himself.

"Ready to go?" Lilly asked me. I climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up. Lilly started the car and pulled out onto the road. It would take a little while to get to the Nursing home to see Granny Bradshaw with the roads being wet from the rain we got earlier in the day.

Lilly turned the radio on to fill the comfortable silence as we drove.

"So..." Lilly trailed off. Her hands tightened around the steering wheel and she bit her lip nervously. This was a sign that meant Lilly was nervous. That wasn't usual; she would usually abrupt when she wanted to know something.

"So..?" My voice rose at the end in a question.

"There's really no subtle way to say this, so I'm just going to spit it out." Lilly said, sounding more like herself.

He Stole My Bandana (So I Stole His Heart)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя