Chapter Fourteen.

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"Goodnight, guys. Robert," I told my family and nodded at Rob in acknowledgement. I shuffled up the steps and into my bedroom, making sure the door clicked behind me. After finding my phone still plugged up, I looked through all my missed calls and texts to see that there wasn't anything from the person I wanted them to be from. Sighing, I fell back onto the clump of pillows behind me and dialed my dad's number.

We talked about all the stuff that me and the boys had been doing since we got here. I told him and Amanda about mine and mom's food fight and how I didn't expect her to be so care free all of a sudden. I thought she would be a little meaner to me at least since I was mean to her. This means it's even harder for me to be mad at her. It sucked.

"Give the boys a hug for me. I'll talk to you guys later." Dad said into the phone and smiled a little.

"If you think i'm hugging them, you must be smoking something." I giggled. He knew I was only kidding. Dad chuckled.

"I love you, Jasey. Please be good. I don't want to hear Robert calling and telling me how poorly I raised you."

"Yeah, sure, dad." I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration and told him I loved him back. When we hung up, I twisted the phone in my hands trying to decide whether I should call Hunter or not. Then I got to thinking.

I Specifically got his number to call and check up on Shiloh. That was the only reason. If Hunter's not calling because of that kiss, then that's all on him. I'm not the one that kissed him. He kissed me. And even though I kissed him back, he should know that if he wouldn't have started it, I wouldn't have had a problem with not doing that at all.

So, I hastily picked up my phone as dialed his number. My hand went from being on my hip to clutching my stomach. My heart went from beating regularly to beating erratically. And my lips went from being pressed in a hard line to me biting them out of anxiousness.

When I heard his husky voice say hello through the phone, I froze. My voice was trapped in my throat and I was so nervous that I could barley do anything to make myself talk. Or breath.

"Hello?" Hunter said again. This time I budged.

"Hunter? It's Jasey." I said more calmly than I expected from myself.

"Hey" was all he said. I wanted to reach through the phone and punch him in the gut, but I couldn't do that, now could I?

"I was just checking in on Shiloh. Remember? I said I'd call." I rambled more than I wanted. I heard him sigh and I wondered if it was because of me. Probably. This made me sit down and bounce my leg up and down anxiously. I couldn't tell if I was angry, sad, or just nervous to be talking to him after what happened between us.

Maybe so was over reacting. But a kiss with a boy had never been anything like that for me. All the others were plain and boring. I never had a real boyfriend, but I'd played spin the bottle before and had those stupid elementary school kisses. Nothing could be compared to this one. And it scared the crap out of me.

"Yeah, I remember. Shiloh's fine. He's playing with his tail at the moment." Hunter said. I chuckled at the way Hunter said it and imagined my kitten playing around with his own fluffy tail. Then I wanted to smack myself for smiling when I was supposed to be mad at Hunter. I needed to frown, even if he couldn't see me.

"Uh, Jasey? I need to get to sleep now. Talk to you later." Hunter trailed off as if he was doing something else besides talking to me. Then I heard a really loud meow and knew he was messing with Shiloh like he always did.

"Promise?" It slipped out before I could stop it. I slapped a hand tot forehead and squeezed my eyes shut right like I did every other time I felt like disappearing. I meant to make sure he would call, for Shiloh's sake, not mine. It sounded nothing like it was for Shiloh.

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