Chapter Twenty-Five.

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The sun's beams shined through the window and hit my face. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Hunter's long eyelashes.

His brown eyes were staring at my face as if they were taking in every little detail. I didn't even mind that he was staring at me; my pounding head was enough to distract me. I let my head roll down onto his collar bone and I groaned loudly and unattractively. I felt Hunter's hand hold the top of my head and pull a strand of hair through his finger.

"Got a headache?" He asked me. I just groaned again in reply. His chest was warm against my cheek and I didn't want to move, but I pulled my head up anyway and leaned on my elbows. Hunter's bed head made me cover my hands with my face and giggle. He looked up but clearly couldn't see his hair. He patted the top of his hair so it laid against his head now like normal.

"You're hair looks wild, too. It doesn't surprise me." He sighed happily and smirked at me.

I ran my fingers through my hair and cocked am eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I smiled.

"You sleep like a helicopter. Oh, and you talk in your sleep." His smirk widened as he picked himself up out of bed.

"Whatever! And I do not talk in my sleep. You just made that one up." I pointed my finger at him and sat on the edge of the bed. I pulled all my long brown hair over one shoulder.

"'Oh, Hunter! I love you!'" Hunter exclaimed in a high-pitched girly voice.
My cheeks instantly flamed with heat and I began beating him with a pillow. He laughed and laughed as I smacked him with the pillow as hard as I could.

"I never said that!" I giggled. Hunter grabbed the pillow from my hands and tossed it on the floor. I rolled over so I was laying on my back beside him.

"No, you never said that. But you did say something about someone killing you." He was suddenly calm again as he told me this. I smiled, knowing what he was talking about.

"My dad is going to kill me for doing this. I'm surprised he doesn't have the cops out looking for me right now." I pressed my hand to my forehead.

"How do you know they aren't?" He asked me. I felt myself flood with anxiety and panic as I jumped up out of the bed. I began walking towards the door when Hunter stepped in front of me, blocking me from escaping.

"Jasey, I'm sure there isn't any cops out there looking for you." He grabbed my upper arms gently to comfort me. Then he smirked.

"And you still have my clothes on." He said and I looked down at myself. Hunter kissed my forehead and walked past me. I couldn't help but wonder how he could act like this around me, yet deny our kiss so many nights before. What was his plan for this?

I let my eyes falls to the ground disappointedly while Hunter searched for my clothes that were spread out on the floor. When he found them all, he came up to me and handed them to me with a smile still playing on his lips.

"What's wrong?" He asked me and reached forward to rub my arm. I quickly took the clothes and turned towards the door.

"Nothing!" My voice squeaked in attempt to make him believe me.

"Is Charlie home?" I asked as I opened the door to the stairs.

"No. We can go over there to change and eat some breakfast." Hunter explained as he pulled on his clothes and a jacket. I simply pulled my shoes on and held my clothes right to myself before walking down the steps.

Just as I had figured, the snow was extremely cold to walk in with heels on. My toes were turning red from just a small bit of contact they had with the snow.

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