Chapter Four.

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The ice that covered the sidewalk was what made me fall. My boots have no traction which probably meant that I should wear different shoes.

Groaning, I pushed myself back up and hoped Hunter never saw that. I hated being such a klutz.

Thankfully, just as I got up, Hunter drove past me with his passenger side window down so he could wave at me. He beeped the horn at me and smiled like a five-year-old that just got one of those giant lollipops. He stopped for a moment and reached to his side to grab something before dangling my bandana out the window tauntingly. Any trace of humor left my face as his grew even more amused.

We just met and I already despise him.

I watched as Hunter drove passed me in the direction that I was going. Hopefully he wouldn't see the need to stop by the diner.

That thought haunted me the entire time I walked to Danny's. Please don't be there...

I stepped inside the back door of the kitchen and started taking my jacket and backpack off as always. Grabbing my apron and tying it around my waist, I hoped that no noticed I didn't have my bandana. It was part of my work uniform. Plus, I really liked it; It was a good touch.

I pulled my hair up just out of habit and walked to the register. I almost ran into Brian on my way there and he gave me a weird look.

"Where is your bandana?" He asked. His was tied around his head like mom's do when they're cleaning house.

I smiled sheepishly. "I'm working on finding it." He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Hey, not cool!" I nudged his arm and grinned at him while fixing my hair again.

"Hey, Jay!" I heard my brother's voice. I instantly scowled and turned around to face him. Lilly wasn't there. She was sitting in a booth by the front window flirting with some football players from our school. That's my Lilly.

I ignored Reese since the silent treatment was the best way to handle the situation. I saw him tap his fingers on the bar impatiently, waiting for me to budge. This is what it's like with us two all the time.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But you were late." He tried to reason. I stopped what I was doing to look at him.

"Yeah, and what if something was wrong?" I challenged. Then he smiled wickedly.

"I guess we're even." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"How in the world does that make us even?!" I argued with him, my voice rising a notch. That's when our referee stepped in.

"Okay, okay! Reese, we can wait for your sister to get off work. Sorry for leaving you at the school, Jay." Lilly apologized sincerely.

"It's okay. Will your mom be mad if you get home around six?" I asked her since I knew that's when I'd get off. Leave it to Kelly to be three hours late. Probably her boyfriend troubles...

"She won't mind. Besides, I live a mile away from your house. I won't be too late." Lilly gave me a thumbs up before dragging Reese with her over to the football players that I don't associate with.

Lilly has always lived a mile from us. We're neighbors separated by a hill of trees and forest. We live back a dirt road that's only a quarter of a mile away from the highway, which was great for when we rode the bus and had to walk home.

Charlie walked in just then, looking hungry and ready to eat.

"Hey," I greeted him. He smiled his usual smile and sat down on a cushioned stool.

"The usual?" I asked and he nodded.

Once I brought his food back and sat it down for him to chow down on, he didn't start eating right away.

He Stole My Bandana (So I Stole His Heart)Where stories live. Discover now