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Toru was awoken by Hinata and Kenma. "Shoyou. Stop yelling. You lost once." Kenma groaned. Throwing his sheets off, he got up and walked lazily to the kitchen where he found Makki making tea.

"G'mornin Taki..." Oikawa yawned

"What's got you so tired?" Makki retorted

"Oh I stayed up all night texting this guy Iwaizumi. He seemed really nice but shut in."

Makki spit out his tea and looked at Oikawa, eyes widened. "Iwaizumi?!" Makki practically yelled in surprise.

"Uh. Yeah?" Oikawa deadpanned.

"Matsun knows him! They go to University together. Apparently he's really chill but stern, you know?"

"He seemed fine to me."

Oikawa made himself tea and scrambled back to his room. He tripped over his phone charger and almost spilled his tea on his alien sheets and blanket. 'Fuck that could've been bad' He set his tea down and reached for his phone, ripping the charger out he saw a couple notifications.

Oikawa was never one for interaction unless it was Makki or Akaashi. All throughout Oikawas life he was considered a freak show. He never spoke and he was extremely shy. He was bullied constantly and called a 'mute'. Oikawa never considered himself mute, he was just never interested in people. Though he spoke to his family but very rarely.

When he met Makki and Akaashi it was summer before his first year in college. They brought him out of his shell and eventually he spoke to them. They know his whole life story and eventually they had a large group of friends, 14 in total including Oikawa.

They decided to move in together after becoming closer throughout their first year. about 9 of them lived in a huge house. The other 5 lived with their boyfriends.

As Oikawa opened snap-chat he saw a notification from about 15 minutes ago from Iwaizumi.


iwa-chan: yo shittykawa i'm bored entertain me

shittykawa: oh iwa-chan!!! nice to hear from you again!

Iwaizumi's response came almost immediately.

iwa-chan: welp i'm out

shittykawa: noooo i'm sowwyyyyyy come back iwa-channnn

iwa-chan: stop calling me that you trashykawa

shittykawa: only if you stop calling me trashy/shittykawa!! (。♥‿♥。)

iwa-chan: youre weird...

shittykawa: NEWAYYY you know matsun~?

iwa-chan: yea we have the same major

shittykawa: oooo what major ꒰⑅•ᴗ•⑅꒱

iwa-chan: geology and rocks and shit

shittykawa: ooooh i'm a scientology major!!!

iwa-chan: idc. gtg. bye now.

shittykawa: oh okay.. bye iwa-chan! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


Oikawa looked at his phone with a confused face. He didn't understand Iwaizumis mind but he couldn't help but want to. He wanted to know everything about Iwaizumi from his favorite number to his nightmares to his career.

Oikawa had fallen in love once and got his heart broken. He vowed to never love again but like all fanfics that must be broken. Oikawa trudged downstairs to find Matsun and Makki playing Mario Kart on the couch while drinking beers.

"Isn't it too early for that stuff Makki?" Oikawa deadpanned.

"Nah never. How's Iwaizumi?" Makki quipped at him.

Matsun choked on his drink but never said a word. Oikawa left and went back to his room to sleep for the rest of the day. He was going to accomplish his goal is it was the last thing he did.

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