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2 months later

The couple have been together for maybe 4 months now. At the moment they are sitting across from each other at a small cafe. Talking about the future like they understood what it meant.

"Iwa-chan~! Are you ready for finals?" Oikawa held his coffee cup up to his lips. 

"Of course I am." A cocky smirk played on Iwaizumis face as he scrolled through his social media.

"Me too!"

"Hey Toru?" Oikawa looked at Iwaizumi, a slight blush radiated off his whole face.

"Yes dear?"

"Would you like to move into together next week? I settled on a house a little bit farther than our schools, but it's a nice scene. Quiet, peaceful."

"Yes. I'd love to."

"I'm glad. Let's head to the house, yeah?"


Iwaizumi stood up and held out his hand, which Oikawa gladly took. The waltzed out of the tiny cafe, hand in hand. Iwaizumi opened his passenger car door of his black Aston Martin and the brunette hopped in the car with a smile. As they drove to their new shared home, they talked about what their friends would say. As they arrived at the house the couple got out of the car and admired the house. It was built in a cute suburban neighborhood. A white picket fence protected the house but left the driveway open. 

The house was a light blue color with the window and door frame painted a white. The steps that led to the front door were lined with rose bushes and decorative rocks. Two large windows showed  the living room and kitchen along with a small balcony that led to a bedroom. The lovers walked through the front door and took in the scent of peace in the house. As they looked around they decided that they loved the cozy home. 

Oikawa walked into the kitchen and leaned against his stomach on the counter, looking out the window. He reached into his pocket and fiddled with a small velvet box. Behind him Iwaizumi got on one knee but he had no clue.

"Toru. Look at me" Iwaizumi spoke gently.

Oikawa turned around an saw his boyfriend on one knee with an opened box showing a gorgeous diamond ring. 

"Even though we met through a social media app, you made me feel special. I love you. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. You have a permanent place in my mind. No one else will ever replace you. I want to hug you and I want to kiss you. I want you in every way, shape, and form. There's no other man in the world that is more right for me then you. No matter what happens between us I will always love you. One day this love will be unbreakable. Our bond will be unbreakable. The way I feel about you is indescribable with words. I want to laugh with you, cry with you, smile with you, and yell with you. No matter what, I want to go through everything together. Me and you versus the world. The fear that had taken over my body is no longer there. My heart, soul, mind, and body belong to you.  My feelings for you are so damn strong. I don't even know how to express them with words really but somehow I've managed to do it. I know we haven't been together for long. I see myself loving you for life. In every possible situation in my future, I see you standing beside me. I'm sorry that you have to deal with all my bullshit. But you're perfect. You are perfectly flawed. I couldn't ask for anyone better than you. I love. Marry me Oikawa Toru."

Oikawas eyes blurred with tears as he listened to Iwaizumis speech. 

"I love you so fucking much Hajime! Of course I'll marry you! I'm mad though." Oikawa laughed.

"How come?" Iwaizumi stood, walked over to his fiance and wrapped his arms around his waist, fingers laced on his lower back. Oikawa took the velvet box from his pocket and showed it to Iwaizumi. They laughed and shared a sweet kiss. The sunset had already begun as they walked upstairs to the balcony. Iwaizumi stood behind his lover his hands rested on Toru's waist. They admired the sunset together. 

The love radiating off them both.

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