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Iwaizumi woke up to the smell of coffee. He opened his eyes and reached over to the empty bed next to him. 'Where'd he go?' Iwaizumi stood up and ran a hand through his hair. He grabbed a black tank top with a skull print on it and walked to the top of the stairs.

"G'mornin Haji-kun~" Kuroo sang from behind him.

"Good morning dipshit" Iwaizumi responded to him.

Footsteps shot through the house as Bokuto ran past the two men and dashed down the stairs. Kuroo cackled and walked downstairs. Iwaizumi followed and was met with a holy site.

His cheeks immediately growing warm as he looked at Oikawa making coffee and breakfast. Oikawa had Iwaizumis shirt and his sweatpants barely staying on his hips. He looked back at Iwaizumi and threw up a peace sign in front of his eye, sticking his tongue out.

"Good morning Iwa-chan!" Oikawa chirped and strutted over to Iwaizumi, purposely swaying his hips.

"Fuck off Shittykawa." Iwaizumi deadpanned.

"Rude Iwa-chan rude!"

"Only to you." Iwaizumi winked at him teasingly. Oikawa looked away but the blush on his face was evident. He looked back and they stared into each other's eyes for a moment. The silence was interrupted with Oikawas ringtone. He walked into a different room to answer the call.

10 minutes later

Oikawa came back in the room looking quit annoyed.

"You good?"

"Yes Iwa-chan, I'm fine. I have to go into work today so I have to leave. Goodbye Iwa-chan!!"

"Okay just remember to be safe. I'm only a phone call away."

Oikawa looked back and gazed into Iwaizumis eyes.

"Iwa-chan, are you my mom?"

"What?" Iwaizumi gave Oikawa a threatening look that made his skin crawl.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I promise I will!"

Oikawa skipped out of the house and closed the door behind him. Iwaizumi was tired so he decided to go back to sleep.

9:35 PM that night

Iwaizumi laid on the couch watching a movie when a loud boom filled the air. He hear the screen door start to open so he grabbed the bat from under the couch. He called for Kuroo, Bokuto, and Matsun, all with baseball bats.

A loud scream pierced the air followed by a familiar voice. Low and deep. Kuroo opened the front door to see Ushijima shutting his car door and something pounding on the back window. Before the car started up the four men sprinted towards the car. Iwaizumi swung the bat at the drivers door while Kuroo opened the back door.

"Iwaizumi...you might want to come back here. Me and Matsun will handle Ushijima..." Kuroo pushed Iwaizumi to the back of the car.

Oikawa looked at him with tears fall down his face. He was stripped of all his clothing, was tied at the wrists and ankles with rope, mouth taped shut, and bruises everywhere. As Iwaizumi looked further he noticed blood coming from Oikawas backside.

He was livid but didn't want to scare Oikawa. He gave Oikawa a soft look and picked him up. He ran into the house and into the bathroom immediately. He wasn't worried about the guys as he knew they could handle themselves.

Oikawa gripped Iwaizumis shirt for dear life as he cried. Iwaizumi turned the tub on and pulled the tape off along with the ropes.

"Hi Toru."

"Please don't hurt me..."

"I'm not gonna hurt you, honey. He's not gonna hurt you ever again. I promise."

"H-he...touched me...and hit me...and threw me..." Oikawa sobbed and screamed louder with each word.

"Hey hey, baby. Look at me Toru." Iwaizumi touched the side of his face and Oikawa leaned into his hand. He finally looked at him after calming down.

"You're okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. He won't touch you or hurt you ever again. If he does and I break my promise, I'll let you beat the shit out of me." Oikawa chuckled at his statement and nodded.

"Let's get you in the tub."

Oikawa bathed, changed his clothes and laid in Iwaizumis bed. As he waited, he was reminded of the events of that night.


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