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A/N: I'm not doing {-iwa/oikawa} anymore because I don't see the point since they are together.

3 weeks after the court date

Winter break was over, meaning school and volleyball season was in full swing. Oikawa and Iwaizumi haven't seen each other as much but that doesn't stop the lovers from spending every free second they have, together. Currently it was Saturday afternoon. Oikawa was in Iwaizumis bedroom. Iwaizumi had his back against his head board playing on his phone and Oikawa was inbetween his legs, back against his chest, scrolling through his Twitter. 

"Hey Iwa-chan. There's a Karasuno and Seijoh match. Let's go watch our precious kohais play." Oikawa batted his eyelashes as a plead. 

"Doesn't sound half bad. The meme fucks going too?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Of course we are Iwa-chan!" Makki and Matsun had poked their heads in the door. "Since Kuni-kun is the captain now along with Onion top-chan, we have to go see the match!" 

As Makki and Matsun left the couple made eye contact. They shared a short, sweet kiss as a confirmation of their plans.

The next day

The four college second years walked into the gym. Makki wore a pink t-shirt along with black ripped skinny jeans and white Nike Air Maxes. Matsun strutted beside him with a light blue sweater accompanied by blue jeans and blue converse. Oikawa followed with a yellow black striped sweater paired with blue jeans and black converse. Iwaizumi was last to enter, dressed in a short sleeve red shirt, black ripped jeans, black and red Yeezys, and his leather jacket draped over his broad shoulders. 

The boys took their seats next to four other males. 

"Ah to be back in a gym." Makki spoke.

"Makki we play together on a team, stupid." Oikawa chuckled.

The match started as the four men watched closely. 

"GO KUNI-KUN!" Oikawa yelled, catching the attention of the boys sitting next to them. 

"Hey you're Oikawa Toru!" One of them spoke. He was tall and skinny. He had silver hair and narrow green eyes that burned holes through your skull. 

"Yes sir! The one and only! And you are?" Oikawa spoke.

"Haiba Lev! I'm Nekoma's ace and co-captain. This is Shibiyama Yuki. He's the captain of Nekoma." He pointed to a smaller male beside him. He had black hair and black eyes. Shibiyama silently waved. Lev pointed to another male. He had black hair styled into a bowl cut.

"This is Tsutomu Goshiki. He's Shiratorizawa's captain." Oikawa physically cringed earning a laugh from Iwaizumi. He pointed to the last male. He was tall as well with blonde and three black streaks that stood up.

"This is Kanji Koganegawa. He's Date Tech's Captain."

"Oh. Hi I'm Oikawa Toru. This is Iwaizumi Hajime. This is Takahiro Hanamaki. And brows here is Issei Matsukawa. We all played for Seijoh expect for Iwaizumi." 

"Oh okay. That's pretty cool. We should watch the match now." Goshiki spoke up. The four younger males nodded and turned their attention back to the game. 

"Fucking sHiRaToRiZaWa assholes." Oikawa spoke quietly.

The match ended 2 hours later, a win for Seijoh. The four men made their way down to the court to greet their former teammates. 

"TAKA-CHAN!" Kindaichi ran over but before he could jump onto Makki, a shorter male grabbed his collar. 

"Babe, calm down." Kunimi spoke.

"Babe?!" The four olders questioned.

Kindaichi stayed silent.

"Yes, we are dating now. Why are you guys here? How's college? Did Matsun ever confess?" Kunimi ranted.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa slipped away from the conversation due to the fact that not only was Kunimi annoying them but author-san is too lazy to write more talking. The couple exited the gym and found a small diner that contained an arcade with vintage games. 

"Iwa-chan! Let's go here!"

"Fine, fine."

They walked in the restaurant and ordered their meals. While they waited Oikawa suggested they play some games. Oikawa walked in front of his boyfriend. 'Maybe I'll tease him a bit.' He bent down to slide a coin into the machine, making sure to stick his ass out a little since he knew Iwaizumi was looking. He stood back up and ran and hand through his hair, looking back at a fluster Iwaizumi.

"You okay baby?" Oikawa questioned.

"Y-yes. I-I'm fine."

"Hmm. If you say."

They stood next to each other playing a shooting game called Time Crisis, Oikawa occasionally brushing up onto his partner. When their food was ready they sat down at a booth across from each other. Oikawa had taken a drink of his water but a couple drops escaped his lips. He made eye contact with Iwaizumi as he felt the droplets run down his adams apple. A light pink spread across the other males face.

They ate their food and drove back to Iwaizumis apartment. 

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