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Me and Bokuto made eye contact after we shouted. Everyone turned to us making a confused look. I sat down allowing Bokuto to take full control of the situation.

"We live on the ground floor of an apartment complex. The complex has cameras in the halls and outside. They cover the street in front of our door and the walkway that leads up to our door." Bokuto spoke quickly.

"I see. If you can contact the landlord and ask for the tape to be burned onto a USB drive, that would be wonderful." The judge responds.

"Yes sir."

"Alright. Court dismissed. We shall meet again tomorrow at the same time."

Without another word Bokuto, Kuroo Makki, and Oikawa bolted out of the courtroom. They left their partners confused as fuck but soon realized what they were doing. 

"Fuck. Akaashi has my car keys." Bokuto groaned and ran his hand over his face.

Kuroo and Makki checked their pockets as they realized they also didn't have theirs.

"Chill guys I have mine." Oikawa chirped.

They all got into Oikawas' teal KIA Stinger. They buckled up and Oikawa immediately slammed on the gas. The four men sat in silence as they reached the check-in office of their apartment building. They all ran in and Oikawa slammed his hands on the desk, grabbing the attention of the landlord.

"We need the CCTV of January 13th. Please, it's and emergency." Oikawa panted.

"Ok." Was all the landlord responded with. He put the recording onto a USB drive and slid it across the counter. "I need you to pa-" 

His sentence was cut off by Makki slamming three twenties onto the counter and the men running back to the car. 

Back at courtroom while they were getting the footage

Iwaizumi was being escorted back into his holding cell. He had a scowl on his face that wouldn't disappear. All he could think about was Oikawa's face when he was arrested and when he saw him handcuffed. He knew Oikawa was suffering in silince. He's still human, he can't handle all this by himself. He knew Makki and the others would be there to help him through this but he wanted the one to help him. They weren't dating yet, everything seemed to slip into place and it felt so natural to them. 

"Tough luck. Isn't that right, Iwa-chan" Ushijima spoke quietly but with venom in his voice.

'Asshole. Doesn't even know how to shut his mouth.

"Respond when I'm speaking to you. Human scum." Ushijima warned.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" Iwaizumi turned towards Ushijima and saw a smirk growing on his face. "I know what you're doing and you won't fucking win."

"Hey! Cut it out!" The officer warned.

"You should never have touched my property then, Oikawa is mine and he will stay that way as long as your out of the situation." Ushijima walked towards Iwaizumi at a threatening pace.

"Oikawa's not your fucking property, dick weasel."

"That's where you're wrong Hajime. He was mine to begin with and will stay with me till the end of time. Got it?"

"You're fucking crazy."

Ushijima snapped his arm forward and punched Iwaizumi in the face. The officers  tried to subdue the situation but failed as Iwaizumi broke the handcuffs on (a/n: with his beautiful bara arms of course) and leaped onto Ushijima. Iwaizumi brought the taller males hands behind his back and the officers rushed over and handcuffed both of them.

The doors burst open as Oikawa, Makki, Kuroo, and Bokuto ran into the courtroom.

"Here's your proof, sir!"

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