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2 weeks later

Iwaizumi pressed the bright blue against the canvas as he finished painting the sky above a gorgeous Tiger Lily. He turned to Matsun and Makki, listening as they argued over the best ever vine. He tuned them out as he signed the painting and leaned it against the leg of his desk. He took a drink of his water as he heard Makki speak up.

"Yo, Zum-Zum-chan." Makki giggled.

"Don't call me that you, pink bowling ball." Iwa scowled.

"Ok, ok. How's Oikawa doing?"

"He's okay. Haven't seen him in a week though."

"How come?" 

"He's working and shit. The usual."

"How's your relationship~"

"We aren't even fucking dating dipshit. Shut the fuck up."

"Vulgar aren't we?" Oikawa quipped while standing in the doorway of Iwaizumi's bedroom.

"Hey Shittykawa." Iwaizumi gave him a slight smile as he walked past him to wash up.

"Hello to you too, Iwa-chan~"

"Hey Oiks!" Makki interrupted.

"Hey Makki."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. All the bruises are gone now."

"That's good. Anything new?"

"Not reall-"


A knock suspended their conversation as they heard Kuroo yell a quick "I'll get it!" They continued their conversation as Iwaizumi walked in and wrapped his arms around Oikawas waist from behind. 

The door bust open and they all looked over, revealing 3 police officers. 

"Iwaizumi Hajime?" One of them asked.

"That's me. How can I help you?" Iwaizumi questioned, removing his arms from Oikawas waist.

"You're under arrest for a misdemeanor of destroying the car belonging to Wakatoshi Ushijima. You'll be held in the county jail till your court date which is tomorrow at 2 PM. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will, be used against you in the court of law."

The officer gave him no room to respond as he handcuffed Iwaizumi behind is back. Iwaizumi was escorted out of the house and thrown into the back of the cop car as they drove off leaving the others speechless. 

"What the fuck?!" They all said.

The next day at 2 in courtroom #4

Matsun, Makki, Oikawa, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi sat in wooden pews behind a wooden gate. They were seperated from the officials such as lawyers, officers, Ushijima, and Iwaizumi. The judge walked in and everyone stood up. As the judge sat down he allowed everyone around him to sit.

"Today we will be addressing the misdemeanor committed by Iwaizumi Hajime. Let's begin."

Oikawa was visibly shaking in his seat as he felt Akaashi run his hand over his knee without making eye contact. Oikawa silently thanked him.

"Prosecution?" The judge spoke.

"Thank you, sir. My client Mr. Wakatoshi's car was destroyed by a baseball bat by Mr. Iwaizumi two weeks ago. Wakatoshi says that he was sitting in his car with his boyfriend of the time, Oikawa Toru, and Iwaizumi charged at his car and shattered the windshield, his driver-side mirror, his left back window, and his back windshield." The lawyer spoke. He had red hair that was poofed up. He was very tall and skinny. He walked up to the judges stand and gave him a folder of what Oikawa figured where pictures of the car.

"Thank you Mr. Tendou. Now defense?"

A tall man stood up from next to Iwaizumi. He was tall and had ash-blonde hair with black tips. 

"Thank you, sir. My client believes his actions were wrong but justified. Mr. Iwaizumi says that he heard a scream come from outside and went outside with his bat along with his three roommates. They saw Mr. Wakatoshi's car and located the scream. They saw a man, Oikawa Toru, in the back. He claims Oikawa was beaten, cut, bruised, and tied up. Unfortunately, we have no evidence to support this."

The judge sighed as he listen to the lawyers last sentence. 

"If you don't have evidence then I'm afraid I have to find him guilty."

Oikawa silently shed a tear as he saw Kenma bring out his phone. He unlocked his phone and accidentally clicked onto his camera app. Apparently Bokuto saw this too and had the same idea.

"The cameras!"

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