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{-Oikawa-} SOMEWHAT NSFW!!

2 days later

Oikawa was laying in his bed. It was around 8:30. He was about to text his precious Iwa-chan when he got a snap from Matsun. The boy who patched him up, known as Hajime was standing in front of the camera, his hand running through his hair and shirtless with sweatpants on. Oikawa could see the outline of his dick and felt his pants tighten. Shaking his thoughts he texted Iwa-chan.

shittykawa: iwa-chan!!! we haven't talked in soooo long 🥺🥺🥺

iwa-chan: so what trashykawa

shittykawa: mean iwa-chan mean

iwa-chan: i'm kinda busy rn what do you need

shittykawa: i need you daddy ;)))

iwa-chan: what...?

shittykawa: awe look i got my precious iwa-chan all flusteredddd!!! hehe~

Oikawa took it upon himself to tease him a little more. He got out of his bed and walked over to his mirror in his room and took a picture. In the picture he was smiling with his hand on the back of his head. He was shirtless and the hem of his boxers were sticking out. He was sporting a semi-hard erection that he made sure was visible to Iwa-chan in the picture.

iwa-chan: ugh now i'm hard. great job you shittytrashycrappykusokawa!

shittykawa: hehe i got iwa-chan hard~

iwa-chan: stop teasing

shittykawa: nope!


Oikawa received a picture of Iwaizumi paling himself through his sweatpants not even thirty seconds later. This made Oikawas erection even bigger than his ego.

Being the tease Toru is he sent a picture back of his hand in his sweatpants. He didn't know what to expect but he didn't expect a full blow dick pic from Iwa-chan. Oikawa stared in disbelief at Iwaizumis size. He didn't know what to respond with so he sent one back.

Oikawa sent a video of him stroking his shaft back, his moans quietly heard in the background. This back and forth video sending went on for not even ten minutes before Oikawa came long and hard into his hand.

He left Iwaizumi on seen and rolled over in his bed. He didn't even know Iwa-chan in real life yet they just sent nudes to each other. He didn't even fully know what he looked like and he liked him. Yet one person still lingered in his mind. Hajime.

Oikawa stood up and got dressed. He rushed out his front door, locking it behind him, and ran to Matsuns apartment. He frantically knocked, sweat fell down his neck and forehead.

"MATSUN OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" Oikawa had no regards to the time as it was 2 a.m. Expect Matsun didn't open the door.

"Oikawa?" Kuroo asked.

"Where's Matsun?!"

"In his room. Why?"

Oikawa pushed past Kuroo and ran through the house to the staircase. He tripped and fell hitting his knee but quickly got up. He pounded on Matsuns door hoping to get an answer. Matsun opened the door, peeking only his head out.

"Oikawa? What are you doing here so late. I'm kinda busy."


A door opened down the hallway revealing Iwaizumi. Oikawa looked over and blushed at the shirtless boy with just boxers on.

"Why the fuck are you screaming shittykawa?" Iwaizumi quipped.

"Hajime! Sorry if i woke you up! Wait. What did you call me?" Oikawa retorted.

Matsun sat in silence knowing this would happen sooner or later.



"Shittykawa?" Iwaizumi mocked in a sarcastic tone and slammed his door shut.

"IWAIZUMI! FACE YOUR PROBLEMS DICKWAD!" Oikawa heard a voice yell.

"GO SUCK YOUR OWN DICK BOKUTO!" Iwaizumi yelled back.

Iwaizumi slid down his door and put his head in his hands. He heard a soft knock and slowly stood up and opened the door. Oikawa stood in sweatpants and a tight t-shirt that showed off ever muscle in his torso.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Oikawa sounded hurt. The tone breaking Iwaizumis heart.

"I didn't want you to hate me. I don't do love so don't even try. We probably shouldn't talk anymore. Goodnight Toru."

The words of Iwaizumi sliced Oikawas heart in half. He walked into a random room and closed the door.

"Oikawa?" Bokuto questioned.

"Hi Bokuto... Sorry I didn't know this was your room." Oikawa responded standing up.

"Iwaizumis a dick. I know. It's alright. Wanna lay down?"

"Oh uh I don't want to be a bother Bo."

"You're never a bother. Just come lay down"

Bokuto held up the covers and patted the empty bed next to him. Oikawa walked over, tears falling down his face as he layed down. Bokuto pulled him into his chest and combed his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down. Oikawa fell asleep not long after.

He woke up to his phone ringing at 6:30 am.


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