
399 20 9


3 AM

Silent tears fell down Oikawas face as he lay next to a sleeping Iwaizumi. He held his mouth so no sound came out. As a sob slipped through his fingers he felt Iwaizumi shift in his space. He stayed silent until he heard music playing throughout the room.


Iwaizumi stood up and gently pulled the covers off Oikawa.


"Just shut up and come here."


"And stop stuttering dumbass."

OIkawa stood up as Iwaizumi reached out for him and pulled him close to his chest. Oikawa could hear the fast but soft beating of Iwaizumis heart as he slightly smiled at him. The singer starts singing. Iwaizumi quietly sang along.

See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I'll wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait, without you

Iwaizumi slowly swayed with Oikawa as he sobbed. Iwaizumi gently placed his hand onto Oikawas cheek and wiped away the tears, giving him a sweet smile. Oikawa smiled back.

With or without you With or without you

Iwaizumi looked in Oikawas deep chestnut eyes.

Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you

Iwaizumi picked up the dancing a bit and placed his hands on Oikawas waist. Still singing along with the song he spun around with a giggling Oikawa. Iwaizumis heart melts and he wishes he can hear that laugh forever.

My hands are tied
My body bruised, she's got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose

Iwaizumi keeps singing along to the song as Oikawa joins and makes eye contact with him. The aura in the room is so happy and loving. Iwaizumi wishes he can make Oikawa happy forever.

With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you

"Hajime, you big old goof ball!" Oikawa said as he danced with him and playfully hit his chest.

"Oh shut up Shittykawa, you know you love me." Iwaizumi smiled and beamed happily as the song continued, nearing its end. 'I know I'm falling for you Iwa-chan.' Oikawa thought.

"I'm falling for you too Toru." Iwaizumi said. "You should probably keep your thoughts to your self, cutie."

"Iwa-chan! Mean!"

"Only to you."

"Good. I wouldn't want it any other way." At this point Oikawa stopped crying and they were both blushing with large smiles. Looking into each others eyes Iwaizumi leaned in and his eyes flicked to Oikawas lips for a split second.

As the song ended Iwaizumi gently pressed his mouth against Oikawas. One of Oikawas hands where on his chest and the other at his cheek. The kiss lasted for a couple seconds before they pulled away. Oikawa giggled and sighed, pressing his head against Iwaizumis chest. Iwaizumis hands wrapped around Oikawas waist and pulled him closer. His head rested on Oikawas shoulder as they remained in their position for a couple minutes.

"Hey Iwa-chan?"


"What happened to 'I don't do love so don't even try'"

"I met you."

"Oh you big flirt."

"I don't have time for this Loserkawa."

"I don't like these names"

"Shittykawa then!"

"Now you're just being vulgar."

They made eye contact as Iwaizumi threw Oikawa over his shoulder and onto the bed. Oikawa gasped as Iwaizumi connected their lips again. This kiss filled with passion and love.

"Let's fall together Toru. I'll wait as long as you need. Just don't hold back on me. Okay?" Iwaizumi said.

"Okay Hajime."

Oikawa wrapped his arms around Iwaizumis neck and pulled him down for another kiss. Their lips moved in sync as if they'd been together for years. Everything just felt so natural, nothing out of place or upside down. The world around the two men seemed to stop. Time halted and no other being existed except for them. A tear rolled down Iwaizumis face as Oikawa pulled away and kissed it away.

"What's wrong Iwa-chan?"

"I'm so fucking happy."

"Let's be happy together, baby. For the rest of time. Let's grow old and grey. Well, you, cause my great looks won't ever fade." Iwaizumi giggled at Oikawas words as he leaned down for another quick peck.

"Go to sleep dork."

"Sir yes sir~"

Iwaizumi flopped mext to Oikawa and pulled him by the waist, Oikawas back touching his chest.

'Yeah. It's not that bad.'

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