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iwa-chan: good morning shittykawa

shittykawa: OH IWA-CHANNNNN!!! good morning!!!!!!!!

iwa-chan: such a shittykawa... wyd?

shittykawa: at an arcade with friends!!!!

iwa-chan: ew gross matsun there too?

shittykawa: im pretty sure him and makki are fucking in the bathroom... ickyyy

iwa-chan: lol

shittykawa: (((((((:

iwa-chan: well my roomates calling me. see yah trashykawa.

shittykawa: bye iwa-chan...!!!


Bokuto and Kuroo were currently fighting over something stupid and had called Iwaizumi down to mediate. 

"Akaashi is better at Mario Kart than Kenma!!"


Iwaizumi smacked Kuroo on his back to get him to shut the fuck up. 'I live with these idiots?' Bokuto started pouting and ran into his room. Kuroo clicked his tongue and slouched into the couch. Iwaizumi turned his head when he heard the door knob turn followed by laughter. Matsun walked in with Makki on his back and Oikawa, Akaashi, and Kenma following close behind. Iwaizumi immediately recognized Oikawa and ran to his bedroom before he could see him. Even though he didn't fully know what he looks like, he was still scared of the confrontation. 

Iwaizumi has never fallen in love and he doesn't plan on starting. He walked up to his room, toning out the voices he hears and gets out his aisle, paint, canvas and changes into an old white shirt. He begins painting and lets his hand have a mind of its own. In the end he's left with a pond with lily-pads sprinkled across the water. The sunset in the background is a beautiful ombre of pink, orange, and red. Sitting on a rock in the distance is a figure of a boy. The painting took him around 2 hours to finish.

Iwaizumi can't help but think about Oikawa. His laughter replays in his head like a broken record. He is snapped out of his thought by something getting thrown downstairs. He pokes his head out of his room and sees a bottle that has been shattered laying by the living room couch. He slowly walks down the stairs, careful not to step on glass. The smell of weed fills his senses as he enters the kitchen. An angry Matsun is yelling at Kuroo about something but the only thing Iwaizumi focuses on is a bleeding Oikawa sitting on the floor and crying. His feet carry him towards the scene in front of him.

"Yo Matsun! What the fuck happened?" Iwaizumi gestured to the sitting boy and Kuroo.

"Kuroo thought Oikawa was hitting on Kenma plus he's drunk and high so he threw a bottle at Oiks." Matsun explained. 

Iwaizumi's brows furrowed in disgust as he walked towards Kuroo. Not thinking twice he pushed Kuroo out of the house and slammed the door in his face. Iwaizumi walked over to Oikawa who looked up at him, trembling and bleeding from his bicep. 

"Are you okay?" Iwaizumi asked the man.

Oikawa couldn't find the words so he just nodded and let out an ugly cry as he tried to move his arm.

"No you're not dumbass. Come on." Iwaizumi picked up Oikawa in a bridal style. He was careful not to his the brunettes injured arm as he walked up the stairs to his room. Iwaizumi carefull set Oikawa onto his bed and got his first aid kit out. After cleaning and wrapping his wound, Iwaizumi sat down on his bed next to Oikawa.

"T-thank you...uh...sorry I don't know your name." Oikawa gave him a shy smile.

"Hajime." Iwaizumi said making sure not to say his last name. He didn't want Oikawa to actually meet him yet, despite his feelings he was scared of love.

"Toru Oikawa. Nice to meet you."


"So that was Kuroo-san? At first I thought he was Iwa-chan. I was hoping to meet him today since Matsun talks so good about him." Oikawa went red and got flustered just at the thought of him.

Iwaizumi froze at Oikawas sentence and his eyes widened. 'Damn he's so fucking cute. Shit!'

"Yea. Kuroo gets a bit rowdy when he's drinking."

"I should probably go back downstairs before Makki gets worried." Oikawa placed his hand onto Iwaizumi's thigh and looked him in the eye. "Thank you again. Maybe we will see other sometime again soon."

Oikawa stood up and walked out nefore Iwaizumi got a chance to answer. The feeling of his touch still lingered on his thigh as Iwaizumi flushed a dark red.


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