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More Than Words

And to tell somebody your langguage and be able to speak it too is a different thing.

Just as you do.
You mean more than one,
You are one of the few things in this world that is worth remembering.
So when you tell me your language and dialect I did not just learn- I strive to understand every meaning of words you say.
And you would not know how I read all the post from your favourite page "Nepenthe"
and search about the works of your favourite writer. Ms. Meca Menez from "A Cup of words and coffee" -
How I listen and learned to your favorite journalist "Ka Tunying".
And sometimes hear your voice in his
and be able to read your soul from their works.
You also told me your playlist;
Songs that made you think of me
By singing-
And I definitely downloaded all the songs.
I have known your fairy-tales and tragedies. You imidiately became part of every lyrics and stanzas it has.
So when you told me who are you behind the curtain of your stage plays -
And why you hid in seven different names. I strive not only to know your real name, but to know who you are.

This is a proof. I am breathing- a living proof

that every words mean more than one.

- Salomrele

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