Chapter Twenty

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"K-Kacchan! N-not here!"

"Tch ... no hay nadie aquí"
( one is here)


"No one is here Nerd it's only us~" He started to plant kisses over her neck. "Kaaacchaannnnn" Katsuki only sighed and got off the girl.

He slowly got up and walked to the waterfall dropping his shorts to the ground leaving him in his boxers. Izumi blushed and hid her face.

"Comm'n Nerd. I'll be fun I promise!"

Katsuki jumped in the water as Izumi watched. "Pfft your gonna get us in trouble you know that right!?" She giggles, making her way over to the waterfall to only put her feet in.

Katsuki only snorted as he splashed water on her.

"Your no fucking fun" With that he went back underway too long for Izumi's liking. "Kacchan! It's not funny!"


"Kacchan stop it your scaring me!" At this time tears were streaming down her face as she hurried and got up removing her clothes leaving her in underwear and a bra.

She quickly jumped in looking for her boyfriend.


"Kacchan please!"

"Kac- AAH"

She screamed as hands grabbed onto her waist.

"Katsuki! Damnit!" Izumi turned around and slapped the ash-blond as he now had a red handprint on his face.

"I-I thought you-"

"You can't get rid of me that easy Nerd," He said with a chuckle as he gave her a small kiss. "You so mean sometimes Kacchan.."

"Lo Siento princesa"
(I'm sorry princess)

"I don't know what you're saying but I like it"

It only turned Katsuki on when she said that and he just went into with a hot kiss pulling them both underwater.



Click Click...

Once they were back above water catching the breath while Izumi still hung onto Katsuki.

(You're gorgeous)
"Tu eres hermosa~" He whispers into her neck wrapping her legs around his waist as she pulled his head back looking into those red ruby eyes.


"You hungry Deku?"



"I'll take that as a yes then" Katsuki chuckled, before softly pulling Izumi off of him swimming to get out of the warm water putting his clothes back on.

Izumi only chuckled before getting out of the water herself.

She looked at the place she had dropped her clothes to only be met with grass.

"Kacchan...did you take my clothes?"

"No why?"

"I can't find them.."

Katsuki shot his head up to look at Izumi as she shivered. "I left it right here.."

Katsuki took off his shirt and handed it to Izumi before going to the picnics basket pulling out his gun.

"Stay here" He commanded her with rage building up inside of him.

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