Start from the beginning

the girl didn't have a clue where they were going, hopefully she wasn't about to be interrogated or kidnapped but there were no promises being made that, that wasn't about to happen. lavender and alex ended up in a secluded room of the hype house, well as secluded as you can get when there's like a million people living in one place. it was a smaller room than some of the others but still fairly large, there were many chairs and a table as well as a tv. but there were also people. jaden was sat on a couch one leg crossed on top of the other on his phone also having no idea what was going on. avani was in the corner extremely excited, so happy she was probably shaking, either that or she had a sugar rush. bryce was chilling in the other corner, to stop anything going further than it should because josh wasn't allowed to know this was happening and he was just really overprotective anyway. and then you just had the odd guest: nick, tony, kouvr and charli.

avani, not being able to hold in her excitement anymore snapped lavender out of her thoughts by pushing her down next to jaden, who she hadn't seen since entering the house, before walking back over to the corner. after noticing the presence beside him, jaden put his phone away turning to look at lavender with a large grin on his face which she returned "do you know what's going on?" he asked bringing his arm around behind her as she sort of leaned into him "i have absolutely no idea." she shook her head, before they heard and cough and turned to see alex with his camera out. "okay so you guys watch my channel and-" alex started before being cut off "-i don't.... sorry." lavender nonchalantly shrugged as people in the room burst out laughing "-anyway!" alex deflected the attention back to the video in progress. "you would know i've done a video like this with charli and chase, anthony and avani and bryce and addison" of course lavender knew what he was talking about. chase and charli had kissed on camera so had anthony and avani and so had bryce and addison, but why did he want her and jaden to do it?

"yes" jaden cautiously trailed off, sure he did like lavender she was pretty and sweet and kind and caring and always there for him when he needed it and funny and extremely talented. but he'd definitely prefer to keep all those feelings and thoughts to himself. "okay so you know what i want." alex cheekily replied smirking at the two. "nah we'll do odds on?" jaden compromised, alex nodding in agreement. "one to five, and avani and lavender have to do it" he reasoned everyone in the room seemingly agreeing. lavender knew why alex chose her and vani to do it. the two knew eachother inside out and always had a gut feeling to pick the same number. but did she want to kiss jaden? oh who was she kidding of course she did.

"okay on three" alex said. "one, two, three." he counted "four" both girls said at the same time, everyone in the room now eager to watch jaden and lavender kiss. the two teens simply just looked at one another, jaden shrugged while lavender slightly widened her eyes. she was actually about to kiss her crush! jaden turned his body to face lavender as she did the same, the boy grabbed her chin pulling her closer, everyone gasping in anticipation. the duo stared at eachother close enough and long enough for alex to have a thumbnail before pulling away and smirking. out of pure disappointment alex dropped the camera and while he wasn't looking jaden swiped a thumb over lavenders bottom lip before she couldn't take it anymore and leant in to kiss him.

lavender could practically feel her stomach doing flips, and the goosebumps on her arms even though she was wearing a hoodie. the kiss didn't last long but to her it was perfect. the two pulled away happily smiling before noticing that alex had indeed picked the camera back up, now staring in shock as were avani and bryce, probably not thinking they'd go through with it. "holy-" bryce couldn't even form a sentence just staring with wide eyes. lavender and jaden were both laughing with dusty pink cheeks, jaden's arm still wrapped around her back. unfortunately alex hadn't managed to get the whole kiss which was probably a good thing he could've been demonetised. it wasn't sexual but it was something.

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