I Love The Rain

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So, I don't really know why I decided to write this one, or if you'll even like it but I think I've been enjoying writing the quieter moments. Anyway 🤷‍♀️, I don't know why I always feel the need to do a little message at the top😂. Love you!

Outside the high up penthouse flat, situated in the great city of London on what had been a dusty warm day, the rain was coming down harder than the city had seen in a while. A couple were sat on the other side of the brick walls, safe and warm, snuggled up in bed. One of them, the younger one who had light brown hair and thick rimmed glasses, that didn't do more than filter out harsh light, was reading a book. The book had hundreds of off-white pages, gentle to his fingertips with words that transported him far away from the flat. The other, with no spectacles and contrasting scarlet hair was not distracted by a book. No. Instead she had noticed the dramatic change in the weather and was mesmerised. She enjoyed not only looking out past the droplets on the big glass door but also watching them race each other down the pane to their balcony. Feeling so at peace she decided she needed to tell her boyfriend whom she was currently tucked into, having her side tickled every so often.

"It's raining," Dianne pointed out.

"Hmm," his yawned reply came, so engrossed her words had sounded more like mumbles to him.

"Outside," she nodded towards the door, speaking more clearly, "the rain. It's raining!"

Joe looked up from his book, momentarily, at his girlfriend firstly and then in the direction she was looking when she poked his jaw, "so it is."

"I love the rain. In Aus., Joe, in Aus. it's warm and soaks you through in seconds. D'you know we could go home from school if it rained, because the streets would flood. Maybe that's part of it. I don't know, I just love it. I think it's just, there's something about water falling from the actual sky, Joey."

Joe laughed at her enthusiasm, still looking outside, "That almost, almost suggests Aussies are wimps, almost. Laycock would flood all the time, all the time, but we could never go home. Actually, the bus driver would dump us at the closest stop they could and tell us to walk because it couldn't get through the flood. So, we'd either walk until we found the other bus, who was doing the bit after the flood, or we got home. Not very good really, I suppose my mum and dad should have complained but I'm pretty sure I remember my dad saying it was good for the bones or something when we got back drenched."

"It's so nice though isn't it?"

"Mmm, I definitely love being all snuggly and dry and watching it from inside."

Dianne nodded and kept staring, as her boyfriend returned to his book, as engrossed as he was when she had pointed out the weather. She smiled, he had engaged with her and her story even though he was obviously busy. She loved him even more for that.

"Joseph," she said sweetly, not too long later, her thoughts needing to bubble out whilst they were still even minutely relevant.

"Yeah?" This time he didn't look up, simply gave her side an extra rub.

"Did you ever kiss a girl on your way to the next bus?"

"What?" he lifted his head, an obviously confused look on his face, wondering if he had heard her right.

Dianne giggled, "did you ever kiss a girl, like, walking along through the flood to your house or something."

"No, I didn't kiss anyone until way later. By then Zoe could drive around through another village and avoid the flood."

"So, you haven't kissed anyone in the rain?" Dianne clarified; her fingers crossed under their duvet.

"Nope," he returned to his book, thankfully easily finding the sentence he had been on, as Dianne again fell quiet next to him.

"Would you want to?" She asked, coincidentally as he reached the bottom of the page.

"Want to what?"

"Kiss. In the rain."

"I've honestly never considered it but I suppose I would."


"In our PJs?"

"We have loads. Come on," she giggled, pulling him out of the bed into the darkening evening and merciless sky. It was as though the great black clouds had been painted in over the skyline. Just opening the patio doors meant they could feel the sharp cold of the rain contrasting the hazy warm that had enveloped them for weeks and even earlier that day. Dianne felt that familiar buzz of excitement, she had come to associate with the moments before kissing Joe, except today it was doubled as she looked up to the sky with joyous anticipation.

The redhead didn't hesitate, pulling Joe, who was still wearing the pair of glasses into the great storm, closing the door after them, knowing he'd be annoyed if she let the floor get wet. She let go of his hand and, in the most care-free manner Joe had ever experienced, lay on the floor in the inch of water that hadn't drained from their terrace yet. Her hair sprawled around her, almost certainly beginning to run, as great droplets collided with her makeup free face. They were cold, as to be expected from the UK, the Aussie supposed, and left circles of momentary numb before another came crashing and diverted her attention.

As she lay there, arms out wide, top beginning to cling to her body, Joe was certain he had never seen something more beautiful. Despite the obvious cold, his body was filled with warm admiration and glorious love as he watched her in her seemingly heavenly state, embracing mother nature's wrath. She had a lopsided smile on her face and her boyfriend noticed, as he still stared at her, her usual twitch that would occur no more than a minute after she attempted to lay still, impressively hadn't come. She opened her eyes and waved at him, grinning even more when he joined her, their hands touching as they lay top to tail on the terrace.

"So peaceful," she hummed, the rain having blocked out the usual ruckus that occurred nightly on the roads and pavements meters below the obvious safe haven of their flat.

"So beautiful," he said, though his head was looking at her, even with her being distorted upside down in his vision she lived up to his statement. They could be in the most beautiful place in the world watching the most vibrant colourful sunset and she'd always be the most perfect thing there.

"It really is. Just breathing. I love it."

"I love you."

"Love you too," she giggled.

"Ready?" Joe said, standing up. He pulled Dianne, in her now fortunately see-through, drenched white vest top, and clingy pink pyjama shorts that had been looser only moments earlier, up, smiling as she stood on his feet. He looked down at his own body, his chest dripping wet in its uncovered form and his trousers which resembled more of a legging than their usual baggy appearance, laughing.

Joe placed his hand gently on her cold cheek and took his other, freeing itself from the tangle of hands, to rest on her lower back. He studied her eyes for a moment, lost, then dipped his head, firmly pressing his lips to hers.

She grinned against them and pushed harder, her hand pulling the hair at the back of his head, craving more. Her other was doing a brilliant job of wiping the water from his abs and chest, as she kissed her love some more.

Eventually, the cold too much, even for the mutual passion they had been feeling, Joe knew it was time to come in. Not wanting the kiss to end, he tucked his hands under her bum and lifted silently, so she was holding his front, as they kept kissing. He moved them through the door and to their bathroom, continuing the kiss as they stepped into the shower and the water began.

Soon enough the shower water mingled with the rain water and their toes began to regain feeling, as the clothes on their bodies became less and less until they broke the kiss, ditching their tops only to reunite with a teenage giggle.

"I love the rain," Joe said, liftingher again, pursuing her lips at a different angle, "God, I love it."

Joanne Suggwell One Shots 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon