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Hiya, little chapter for you today. Just a warning it is quite emotional, tissues at the ready xx

Joe reached a shaking hand across the bed to his girlfriend. Summoning all of his effort, he lifted it and tried to stroke her hair. It was rough but still managed to soothe her. She reached for his hand and pulled it down to rest on the bed, where she kissed it. Not just once but multiple times, ignoring the lipstick impression she was leaving behind. There wasn't time to worry about that.

"Don't cry," his weak voice said, hand jerking as it turned over to take hers.

"I can't help it," Dianne admitted. She hadn't even tried, she knew it would be futile.

"You'll be okay," he musted up his energy and tensed his muscles, with resulted in a faint squeeze on her hand.

"How?" She laid her head back on his hand, unable to hug him because of the various wires.

"Because you always are. Because I'll be looking down, blessing you."

"I don't want you to go." A sob ripped from her lips, it was too much. She kicked the button that put the barrier down, ignoring the nurse's advice, and climbed onto the bed next to him, weaving herself under the wires as her tears continued.

"You'll be okay," there was a croak in his voice now, as she curled up so small into his side. "You'll find someone to marry, to have kids with and I'll be looking down happy that you have someone who loves you as much as I do," she shook her head, "you will Dot."

"I want to come with you," there was such a childlike innocence about that request. Though Joe, even in his condition, knew that she could very much be speaking the truth.

"It's not your time. You, you're meant to grow old and grey with lots of kids and Grandkids to look after you." This was one of the only things that was keeping Joe sane. Knowing that the universe had a very different plan for her.

"So are you. I'm meant to do that with you, Joey," the sobs had started again and for once his unsteady hand was working in his favour, acting as an effortless pat of comfort on her lower back.

"No. My time is now. We know that, we've tried everything but I'm so tired. And in so much pain. I have to leave you Dot. I have to."

"I know, but I'm scared." She admitted, forceful sobs still pulling her body apart. This had been coming for a while. His treatments and his hospital stays had been lengthening and getting more serious every time they had come in. She still wasn't ready though, and she wasn't sure she ever would be. How does one prepare to lose the love of your life? It wasn't a question she had figured out the answer to.

"My girl, so am I. It's okay. It's okay." It felt as though it was the only thing he could say. He didn't know how to give her comfort when he needed the comfort himself. Despite resigning himself to this outcome months earlier he couldn't have predicted how she would be.

"What will I do when I need someone to hold me? Or to reach the top shelf? How will I be able to sleep? Or eat? Or breathe without you with me? I can't remember my life without you Joe."

Joe kept quiet. Again, he didn't have the answer nor was he anywhere near a solution. His mind didn't work at the best of times anymore but especially not under the pressure of her crying into his ribs.

He hated this.

He hated having to leave her indefinitely, with only hope that they would one day unite. He hated knowing that she would have to go on. Move on with her life without him being by her side. But he wanted her to live a long time. Longer than he had been sentenced to. Much longer. He wanted her to be 100 with her family around her, loving her endlessly. He wanted it to be old age that took her not a life shortening illness with no cure.

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