Dianne and Her Entourage (2)

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This was requested by _love4joanne because it fitted so well with my previous part called Who Is This? I decided to make this story line a part two. I hope you enjoy xx

Dianne knocked on the door of the Sugg residence still dressed in her uniform. She had come to keep Joe company, as he studied for his history exam and make sure he took a break. She was finished with exams, having only taken btec courses, but Joe still had 2 History exams to finish.

"Oh Dianne, I didn't know you'd be coming," Tracey said, when she opened the door.

"Thought I'd check on Joseph, see how he's going make sure he takes a break and stuff."

"You're a good lass. Are you done now? Joe said you didn't have any conventional exams."

"Yeah, I had my maths resit and that's it. And that was last week. I've been finishing my coursework but I was signed off today so I'm done. I haven't seen Joe in a week. I know he was stressing, it's in 3 days," Dianne explained hanging her coat on top of Joe's her shoes already next to his.

"Yeah, he didn't eat tea yesterday and he hasn't had lunch. Do you want to take some up with you? Have you eaten?" Tracey asked, leading her into the kitchen. Dianne was so comfortable with the Suggs- they had become her second family here in the UK. Zoe was like her sister and Dianne would often hang out with her when she came over too early and Joe was still at work.

"I haven't. I was hoping you might feed me up here! Or I could persuade him to walk into the village for a pasty. Maybe we can do that for tea though," Dianne said, seeing Tracey begin to make some sandwiches.

Tracey nodded, Joe had been a source for general worry recently, as he had barely left his room. He only left for school when it was absolutely necessary or for work on a Saturday.

"Same plate?" She asked, having made the sandwiches and fished some cakebars out of the cupboard.

"Please," Dianne said, making some squash in Joe's favourite cup.

"Okay, that's you set, just shout down if you need anything, or decide to go out, I'm just in the garden weeding," Tracey said, loading a tray up to make it easier for Dianne to get upstairs.

"Mum's doing the same. See ya Trace. Thanks for lunch," Dianne called back, bag over her shoulder, tray balanced in her arms.

"No problem love."

"Joseph, it's me," Dianne said, knocking on the door with her foot which was the only free limb she had. He mustn't've heard her through, so she put her bag and the tray on the floor and let herself in. She found him asleep on his textbook, headphones on. Dianne decided to grab her things and then wake him up. He looked so tired and part of her wanted to wrap him in a blanket and back out of the room quietly- but she knew he needed to eat.

"Joseph, baby, it's me, Dotty. Wake up little one."

"Ah" he jolted awake, "oh, hi, what are you? Why are you here? Coursework, did you get it all done? I love you."

"I love you too, I'm officially done. I brought some lunch to share from downstairs, and then I thought I could keep you company. Make you less stressed."

"I don't remember when I fell asleep," Joe stretched, reaching for her, then moved things in order to fit the tray on. She put the tray on his desk and sat in his lap, kissing him gently.

"Oh well, you must have needed it love. How are you Joey? How's it all going?" She asked, halfway through a ham sandwich.

"I'm stressed, it hasn't really been going in. I mean it has but also. It's tough. I just don't have a clue what the question is going to be on. Its yeah I can't wait for it to be done," he explained, relaxing, as he felt her hand massaging the back of his neck.

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