Is This The Right Thing To Do?

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Dianne sighed, folding the last item of  clothing into her suitcase. She sat on said case and zipped it shut, letting her eyes travel around the empty room. This wasn't a position she thought she'd find herself in ever. She thought marrying Joe Sugg meant she was simultaneously marrying the UK and all it had to offer. Turns out that was not so.

In 2 days they'd be on a one way flight to Australia to move into their new house in her beloved Bunbury. The reason of their moving was not, as she had once hoped or thought, a joyous reason. Instead it was out of great necessity and a large amount of love. You see a great deal of grief had washed over her family in the recent months. You see, her Dad had got up one day like any normal one, taken himself on a walk to the corner shop to buy a paper like any normal day. But hadn't returned. A heart attack had taken him almost instantly. His body no longer earthly.

This left her poor mum alone, still working every day of her life, with a hole in her heart, that had appeared small when she lost a baby after Brendan, stretched wide after losing her parents, brother and now her Mark.

To make things worse little Anya, Andrew's tiny baby, had been dealt a life sentence when doctors found evidence of a life limiting illness when she was just 6 weeks old. Little Anya who she had only met once, at her Pop's funeral. Little Anya who had so much life ahead of her.

So for these reasons Joe had suggested, one day in bed after a phone call with Rina, whilst Dianne was rocking their own teething little one, that they moved to Bunbury for the foreseeable future. To support Rina, Mel and Andrew. To ensure that memories were forged between Anya and her cousins. To allow Dianne to watch her nieces and nephew grow up.

"I've just got Maeve to sleep Love are you packed clothes wise?" Joe sat down beside his wife, hand on her shoulder.

"Yep, that's the last one," she patted the case, leaning into him.

"Okay, so what've we got to do tomorrow?"

Dianne couldn't answer, she met Joe's eyes in the mirror in front of them, her hand settling on her bulging tummy, "is this the right thing to do?"

"I think so little one, its going to be scary and new and difficult but I think in the end we'll both gain some peace of mind. We won't worry every time the phone rings. Maeve will get to grow up, at least for a little while, with the beach right there. A beach of her own nonetheless. And Mia will finally get to babysit. And when this little one comes, it will have it's Nanna Rina right there to dote on it. And Zoe and Alf and my mum and Dad can always travel. Especially now Nan's with Grandad." Joe's hand had rested on top of her's during his mini-speech. Their baby kicking back, presumably excited about their new adventure.

"When you put it like that it sounds amazing," she leaned her head back and kissed him slowly.

"It will be."


"If I could have all of your attention, I just wanted to say a few words before some of you have to nip off to relieve the babysitters," Joe joked, stood on the stairs in their beautiful old house which lived in the outskirts of London next to lots of rolling green fields.

"Every person here has had an impact on either mine or Dianne's life, or both of ours. You're all special to us in our unique way and you've all played a part both big and small in getting us to today. The four of us, little baby included, love you from heaven to high hell and we know that the time difference and the miles won't change that. Life is unexpected. We've learned that more recently. Life is unexpected and cruel but also kind and comfortable. This change is massive but it will be worth it. To watch Maeve grow up under the sun. Spending time with her cousin who is nearly living on borrowed time and her Nanna who has only met her 4 times. To ensure that she learns of her Pop's legacy and grows up surrounded by beauty. Australia will be our home but we will never forget this country and you. As I said you all mean the world to us. And so I'm confident that tonight is not, as cheesy as this sounds, tonight is not goodbye, tonight is ses you soon. Last thing to say is... Australia you best be ready for us, the Sugg's are coming!"

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