The Moment

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Pulling her arms around herself further Dianne shivered, wishing she'd bought pyjama bottoms and worn a warmer top to sleep in rather than a pair of flimsy cotton pyjama shorts and a strappy singlet. She had assumed, with it being July, it'd be warm enough for them but she could hear her mother scalding her, as she watched Joe busy around in the back of the campervan. She was sure she'd be saying 'it's England not Australia Dot, you should know better. And anyway, to assume is to make an ass out of you and-'

"Are you sure you want to do this?" His voice pulled her from the perfect imitation of her mum she had been doing in her head, "because we can easily find a hotel."

"And miss out on sleeping in good old Chip?" Again, she shivered, and pulled her arms around herself tighter.

"You're shivering," he pointed out, stroking her arm.

"We've got a duvet and each other. Am I supposed to be asking if you want to do this?" She raised her eyebrow, watching him test Chippy's bed again.

"I do, I just wanted to double check, come on in then," he held his hand out and invited her into the van, that was considerably warmer, having had its heating on whilst they had used the basic campsite facilities. She sat horizontal on the bed, leaning her head on the curtain covered window, as Joe shut out the chilly air.

"I loved camping when I was little."

"How about now?" Joe sat next to her and pulled the duvet over their legs. He then put his arm around her and tipped her off the window onto his shoulder, pressing a loving kiss into her hair.

She nodded against his hoodie, "just for different reasons."

"Are you hungry?"

"I brushed my teeth."

"I know. I always found," he leaned and undid one of the cupboards in the back, "the thing with camping is, midnight snacks are allowed."

Dianne smiled and kissed him softly, putting her head back on his shoulder, holding her hand out for a chocolate covered pretzel. "I love you."

"Was that to me or my pretzels?"

"Mmm." She feigned thought and got a dagger-like elbow in her ribs, "I'm joking. I love you."

"Good, because," he took the time to tilt her face towards him, "I love you too."

Dianne smiled into the kiss, giggling when Joe broke away and shoved a pretzel in his mouth.

"We're sickening," he commented.

"I know. If the fans could see us, they'd be freaking out," Dianne laughed, accepting a pretzel from his hands by leaning her head down and scarfing it directly from his palm.

"Well yeah... we just kissed."

"But even without the kisses. We need to end the video."

"Not yet, when we lie down eh?"

"I think you actually like teasing them Suggy," Dianne giggled and promptly yawned.

"It's not going to be long by the sound of that. How are you more tired than me," he reached his right hand over her face to tickle the left of her head and manoeuvred her back into the gap between his shoulder and ear, "you fell asleep on my lap."

"Putting that bench seat in was such a good idea. I'm just tired, maybe it's the fresh air."

"Maybe we're getting old," he yawned too, folding the half-eaten bag up, chucking them into the front seat.

"Oh definitely. We're sleeping in a campervan though, so I think that counts for some young points," Dianne said, as she moved to her side of the 'bed'.

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