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Based off that failed prank Dianne tried to do on Joe back in September. I watched the vlog and through it might be cute to re-create it with a bit of a twist.

Dotty 🥰: done with choreo gosh am still sooo tired mite have a nap wn i get in will u wale me up when u get home pls have fun at the premier

Joseph: Make sure you do, you need all the rest you can love you lots see you soon xx

Joe pocketed his phone, having replied and followed the runner to the special car that was waiting for him, ready to be present and work. Except, he'd never quite be present, not when the image of his sleeping Dianne was filling his head. As much as he loved his voice acting and was so grateful being cast in an Ardman film, he was wishing he didn't have to do the red carpet. He'd much rather be cuddled up with her, making sure she recuperates from her hectic first two weeks on strictly, knowing how it had felt for him as the celebrity and the fact the pros worked ten times harder. Red carpets still weren't his thing, he hated the speedy interviews and the blinding cameras heckling him from all angles, so cuddling up with her, in fact, felt ideal. He couldn't though, when life threw out opportunities like this, where he could network and put himself out into a world, he was desperate to be a part of, he had to take them. So, sleepy snuggles with his little Buzz would have to wait.

"Hi Joe, quick word..."

By the end of the red carpet, where he was sneaked out of the official premier by his manager, who knew he needed the rest of the day, his mind was filled to the brim by Dianne. Most of the interviews had brought up their relationship and how they were 'goals' and of course there was mention of the dreaded curse. To boot, he hadn't had a further text from her suggesting she really had dropped off like she had hoped. Still, being the soft, responsible boyfriend he was now known for being, he messaged her to let her know he was on his way back... and also how much he loved her, as he climbed into his car, which had a screen he could watch the end of the rugby on.

Joseph: Just in case you're awake still or you wake up I'm on my way home traffic not looking great so maybe an hour or so can't wait to snuggle you x

He settled back in the car and carried on watching the rugby, glancing at his notification-less phone every so often just in case she woke up. She didn't though and by the time he finally got home, 40 minutes after the text had been sent, his whole body was aching for his little redhead. Hoping she was maybe still asleep so he could just join, his own week quickly catching up with him now it was over, Joe let himself into the flat quietly, rather than knocking, and slipped his shoes off. He walked through to the living room, assuming if she was, she'd be asleep on the sofa all cuddled up under the nice new throws his mum had bought him for his birthday. However there was no sign that she had even sat there when she came in from working let alone fallen asleep, so, Joe grabbed himself a bite to eat, the premier having been over lunch, and padded upstairs which was the only other place she could be napping, their spare bed full of her clothes, the grey chair empty.

He paused at the door, he could hear the telly going too and wondered if she was perhaps just watching their telly and hadn't had a nap yet or had just woken up. Still as keen as ever to cuddle her and definitely have a nap himself, he walked in, surprised to find the light on and the curtains open, surely, she had to be awake. He rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks- she wasn't.

Or at least, she didn't appear to be. Her little body was first and foremost drowned by the oversized bed he had picked as a bachelor all those years ago. She was still wearing the clothes from choreographing by the looks of it, though most of her was covered by the luxurious navy duvet set he had brought them to stop her from staining everything with biscuit-y tan and red hair dye. She was facing away from him and appeared to have an eye mask on which made him chuckle at the irony of the situation- she could have shut the curtain and turned the light off yet she had pulled the sleep mask on and it had worked the trick, as he could hear her soft even breaths as he got a little closer.

Sausage roll consumed, crumbs collected from the floor and thrown in the bathroom bin, he loosened his belt and undid his trousers, not wanting to potentially disturb her by getting properly changed but still needing to feel at least a little more comfortable. Knowing she'd, they'd, nap better with less light around them, he flicked the lights switch and pressed the button that shut the automatic curtains. TV turned off too, confused why it was on in the first place, Joe crawled under the covers and slid closer to her snoozing form.

The first thing he did, something is what he always did when he got to bed after her, which was most nights these days, was stroke her hair back from her face. He smiled, she looked so peaceful and calm, a contrast to her bouncy personality. Not that he didn't like that, it's just when she was asleep, he could appreciate the smaller things more easily. Like how her lip had a little scar above it, or how her ears were stained red from the dye. Just the small things he had fallen in love with time and time again. Eventually he put his head down, pulling his pillow closer and wrapped his arm around her, resting it on her stomach, tempted to slip it in her jumper pocket, though resisted knowing that may jeopardise her sleep. Snuggled up, he kissed the back of her head and drifted off himself, glad for the excuse to sleep for as long as possible, as close as possible to his sweet Dianne.


"Do you have to go," she whined, the minute he stopped recording on his phone.

"Mmhmm, it's on too early to travel in the morning," Joe said into his girlfriend's newly washed hair.

"But what if I can't sleep?"

"You'll manage, you had a nap without me earlier," Joe pointed out, his phone letting him know the BBC's hired car was 2 minutes away by beeping in his back pocket.

"But that's just because I knew you were coming back to me," she said cutely, her face buried into his jumper, having un-zipped his jacket to find a comfier place to rest her head,

"I am coming back," Joe chuckled, "I'm seeing you early at It Takes Two and everything bubs!"

"But, that's so, so long Joey," she whined, her grip tight around him as though she was prepared to physically restrain him.

"It's one night, let me plan it for you, I'm going to go, you'll watch a film or go on YouTube or TikTok for a while then you'll fall asleep and wake up to your alarm at 6, realise you didn't charge your phone so will plug it in, you'll get ready and put the news on to try and see me, we'll face time at some point, you'll go to work in the car they've ordered and teach Dev his new dance and boom, you'll see me. That is it. You'll be just fine."

Dianne nodded and tilted her head, kissing him gently still pouting as she let go of him. "love you."

"Love you too, sleep tight, I'll lock the door on my way out."


"By Darlin' one night."

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