Nervous? (2)

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It's long and has since big time skips and is probably not the best 🤦‍♀️ anyway, thank you for requesting fan_of_joanne123, bjhbhbkuk, dancer251201 and writingjoanne here you go...

Part 2 to It's Not What I Expected

"You look lovely, happy Christmas," Zoe said hugging Dianne tightly.

"Merry Christmas Eve Zoe!" Dianne replied with as much gusto as possible, stepping aside for Joe, who was periodically squeezing her hand.

"Gosh you're both so dressed up, we're in our slobby outfits," Zoe moved out of the way to let her brother and his girlfriend into their nicely warmed house.

"We've been stuck feeling run down so we thought we'd dress up. Plus its church tonight right?" Joe settled his hand on Dianne's waist.

"That's the plan. Joe said you'd been feeling off, how are you now?"

"I think we're both doing alright," Dianne lied. Joe wasn't sick and she wasn't feeling at all better.

"Well feel free to slob out, we don't dress up here. Come through Alf's last minute editing but Mum's in here."

"Thought I heard you two! Come here!" She pulled them both into a tight hug.

"I'll just grab the bags, Zo want to help?" Joe said, leaving Dianne in his Mum's arms, realising she needed that maternal moment alone.

"Ooh," Tracey coddled, as she felt the weight of the hug the woman in her arms was giving her. She was none the wiser to anything that was going on but something told her that the redhead needed that extra tight hug. "Its a good job I'm taller isn't it?"

Dianne nodded and closed her eyes letting all of her tension ease slightly.

"Okay love?" Joe asked, dumping various full bags by the tree.

"Yeah, just you know."

"Yeah. Love you." Joe nodded, blowing her a kiss.

"Oh congratulations are in order! We had a party and I definitely cried. We're all so proud of you," Tracey said getting choked up all over again.

"Tracey!" Dianne pulled her England Mum into her, feeling the tears herself.

"No honestly we were so proud. Even Dad was clapping away. And then Joe's post that night gosh set me off all over again. I couldn't imagine what your mum and dad must be like."

"They were wrecks, I got Liv, my makeup artist, to facetime them and she recorded their reactions. I called them again and I think that's when it hit. And Joseph. I was balling in bed when I saw it. Gosh yeah. He doesn't even hide it anymore," Dianne wiped her eyes, passing Tracey her phone with the video of her mum and dad sobbing which had been almost on repeat since.

"Not that video again. Never fails to make me cry, have you seen it Zoe?" Joe asked, sitting next to Dianne and his mum who were both wiping away tears. Soon enough all four of them were reaching for the tissues, having sent the video to the TV.

"When Alf gets down Dot and I want to give you three an early present." Joe explained, picking up the bag that had the items in it. They had agreed in the car that waiting for Christmas day was no longer an option with how bad she had been feeling.

"He was exporting so he shouldn't be too long. Can I get drinks for you two?"

"I'll just have a water please Zoe," Dianne said as she snuggled into Joe's shoulder.

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