A black figure flew into the room, holding a gun. Mal tried to use her magic, but was knocked back into the wall. The figure threw a table at your head and knocked you out. Jane ran to Carlos, but fell as she went. Carlos was clutching Jay's phone, and was shot in the chest. He then walked over to me and shot my arm before knocking me out too."

Ben was shocked.
"Did they catch the figure?"
"Yeah, we'll find out who it was soon."
"Where's Jane and Mal?"
"They were let out a while ago. They've gone home to get us some clothes. We have to stay over night." Evie smiled, weakly, before returning to her phone. Ben looked over at the sleeping beauty the other side of him. Carlos looked so peaceful, so relaxed. He wasn't waking up, screaming for Jay, crying his poor eyes out. He wasn't clutching everything Jay owned, refusing to let go. He was finally at peace. A doctor walked in.
"Ah, King Ben, I'm glad you're awake. You seem to have a minor concussion, but nothing too serious. You probably could leave today if you want, but I assume you'd rather stay with your friends?"the doctor said, calmly.
"Yes, I'd rather stay,"Ben replied, smiling weakly.
"I recommend you rest. Ah, and Miss Queen, if you could notify me if and when Mr de Vil wakes up. We still need to remove the bullet, but we can't risk him waking up during the surgery, some it's best if he wakes up first, then we put him on anaesthetic." Evie nodded at the doctor, and he left. Ben lay down on the uncomfortable hospital bed, trying to go to sleep. But that scream was ringing in his ears, the shock on Carlos' face when Mal mentioned the messages. The tears that never seemed to stop flooding down the poor boys cheeks. It was all so fresh in his mind. Gently, he turned over to face the younger boy. He was in a peaceful slumber. Slowly, Ben drifted off to sleep.

The King was awoken by the sound of sobs. He looked over to Carlos' bed and saw the young boy crying. He was curled up in a small ball. "Hey Carlos?"Ben whispered. The son of Cruella looked up. "What's wrong?"
"I... I miss Jay... I want him back... why did he go?"the puppy boy cried, his voice barely audible through his sobs.
"I know you miss him. I miss him too. But remember, he's safe. He's in a better place now. He's happy."
"I know he's happy. In all honesty, I feel like everybody would be happy if I wasn't there-"
"No Carlos, that's not true. We all love you, it'd kill us if we lost you."
"It's killing me that I lost Jay..."
"I know Carlos, it's hurting us all-"
"No, no, you don't understand. He's my best friend, and I've lost him forever. I didn't even get to say goodbye. He just went. One morning he was there, the next..."Carlos trailed off. Ben sighed and slowly stood up, he felt a little dizzy, but made his way to, Carlos' bed, gently sitting on the side. The puppy boy looked up at him.
"I miss him too, Carlos. Remember, he was family to us all. We all share the same pain as you do, you aren't alone. It'll be okay."
" I know... but I don't feel safe anymore. Jay was my safe place. I could never relax unless he was next to me. He's my brother, Ben, he's my protector. He's the only one I trust..."
"I'm really sorry Carlos, I wish I could've done something. I understand what you're going through. It hurts when you lose someone you love. It hurts knowing that they're gone. But he's safe. You're safe. He will always be with you, in your heart." Ben gently took Carlos' hand. "And, if you feel like you need someone to talk to, I'm right here. You can tell me anything. I may not be the best with advice, but I will listen. I know that's something Jay couldn't do." Carlos giggled. Ben smiled. He made Carlos laugh. That was an achievement. Ben dared to stroke Carlos' cheek. Well, the little bit of his cheek you could actually see.
"Do you ever feel scared?"Carlos asked.
"Of course I do. Everybody gets scared,"Ben replied.
"I've been scared ever since I... we... lost Jay. He's always protected me, and now I've got Jane who expects me to protect her when I don't even know how to look after myself because Jay's always done that and I'm worried I can't be the boyfriend she wants and deserves."
"If she can't see you for how perfect you are, then she isn't the one. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and I'm sure there are loads who'd kill to be with you."
"You really think that?"
"Yeah, of course I do." Ben smiled. Carlos matched his smile, gently curling into Ben's side.
"I'm scared of tomorrow."
"Because of the surgery. All they've done for now if wrap some bandages around the wound, but I'm scared that it'll go wrong. What if I die too?"
"You won't die, I promise. Don't be scared, everything will be just fine."
"Can I trust you? With something... huge?" Ben pulled away from Carlos slightly, looking him directly in the eyes.
"Of course you can, you can tell me anything."
"What if I... showed you something. Something... scary... would you be scared of me?"
"I could never be scared of you,"Ben reassured. Slowly, Carlos moved one hand up, and removed his mask. Ben felt more mad then scared. Who had done this to such an innocent boy!?!? Under the mask was a scar, that almost went all the way across the puppy boy's cheek, ripped open showing slight bone and a few teeth. Small strands of thread were trying to hold the wound together, but not really doing anything. Dry blood was surrounding the scar, with fresh red liquid already oozing out. "Who did this to you?!"Ben asked.
"My mother... she said I didn't smile enough..."
"You poor thing! I-" Ben was cut off by a loud scream. Both boys turned to see Jane looking at them with horror in her eyes.
"EWW YOU FREAK! YOU THOUGHT I WOULD DATE SOMEONE WHO I CAN'T EVEN KISS!?!?"she screeched. Mal and Evie woke up upon hearing the commotion. Jane ran out of the room and threw up in a nearby trash can. The two VK girls looked over at Carlos and Ben. The son of Cruella had tears streaming down his face. Ben was holding him close, whispering words of comfort.

Two days later, Carlos was released from hospital. His surgery was successful, and they even managed to get his scar properly sewed up. After returning home, Evie turned on the news to see and article about what happened to them. The friends sat down to watch. "A terrible accident happened a few days ago involving King Ben and his friends,"the reporter said,"They were relaxing in their home when they were brutally attacked by who has now been identified as Alan Cruetcher, an old friend of the King. Sir King Benjamin Beast, Miss Mal Bertha and Miss Jane Wartcher (I tried 😂) were only given mild concussion, whilst Miss Evie Queen was shot in the arm and Sir Carlos de Vil was shot in the chest. All friends have survived the accident and were released from hospital earlier today. Now for the weather-" Evie shut off the TV.
"So, who's hungry?"she asked. Mal raised her hand. The pair walked into the kitchen while Ben went upstairs. Carlos quickly followed him. The two sat on the older boys bed.
"What's wrong?"Ben asked.
"I dunno..."Carlos replied, not making eye contact with the King,"Everything's been so messed up lately. We lost Jay, we got attacked, Jane saw the scar and freaked out I just... I feel so alone... I lost my best friend and my girlfriend in the space of one week."
"You still have me and Mal and Evie. I know it's all kinda hard to believe, but we're with you. We're all in this together." Carlos smiled and looked up at Ben. Without thinking, the King crashed his lips onto the younger boys. Carlos quickly sank into the kiss, working his tongue in. Ben, determined not to lose dominance, grabbed Carlos' hips and pulled the two closer together, while tongue battling the puppy boy. Eventually, Ben won and explored his new lover's mouth. The two pulled away slightly to remove each other's shirts before latching together again. Carlos let out a small whimper when Ben pulled away again, removing more and more clothing until both boys were stripped down to boxers and socks. Ben started leaving marks on the puppy boy, enjoying the delicious moans and whimpers his sex companion let out.
"M... more..."Carlos moaned, grabbing and Ben's hair. Slowly, the King removed the younger boy's boxers along with his own. Ben was shocked when he wasn't met with a dick. Instead, before him was a vagina?
"What?"Ben asked himself. Carlos' hands were travelling around Ben's chest, the smaller boy to interested in the abs to noticed the confusion on his new boyfriend's face. "Carlos... are you trans?" Carlos finally snapped out of his trance.
"Huh? Yeah, did I not tell you?"he said, confused.
"Uh.. no."
"Is that okay? Are you mad?"
"No, I'm fine with it." Ben swiftly started kissing Carlos again, annoyed at himself for ruining the mood. Quickly getting back into the swing of things, Ben grabbed a condom from inside his bedside drawer, sliding it on. He lined himself up so he'd make it straight into Carlos' slit. Glancing at the puppy boy for permission and being met with pleading eyes, Ben shoved into the younger boy.
"Mfmmm... daddy..."Carlos moaned. Ben grinned.
"Yes... that's what you call me baby..."he groaned in response, grinding their hips together. The younger boy gripped the sheets, sweat forming on his forehead. Ben could feel himself getting warmer. "Babe I'm gonna..."he began.
"Yes daddy... please..." Carlos grabbed Ben's dick, pulling the condom off, causing Ben to cum everywhere, quickly followed by the smaller boy's orgasm. The two lay together under the sheets, sharing short and sweet kisses, unaware of two very weird girls watching them through a magic mirror.


*SiGh* I shouldn't write smut 😂 THIS IS IT! MY MASK!CARLOS STORY BUT BENLOS! I actually cried writing this lol 🥺 I wanted to throw in some 'daddy' stuff in there cause why not. Idk why I made Jay die. I guess I didn't really know what to do with him, and I'm not a huge fan of shipping Jay with anyone but Carlos so... yeah. I killed him 😂 THIS WAS LONG. Idk if I'm proud of it or not. I like pretty much all of it apart from the smut but... yeah. Let me know your thoughts! 💭 Also, remember this one shot is dedicated to PaigeWillows Ross_Lynch_Lover13 Disney-Channel-Lover and DixieTheChickenGamer ! They're all great writers, please check them out! 🥺 Love you all! ❤️

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