A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 9- Sweet Revenge

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“Marky,” I called to him and he turns to me. “Are you really my friend?”

He shrugs. “I believe that I am.”

“Then you’d understand if I do this.” I prompted and I closed the space between us—a little.

“Do what?” his eyebrows met immediately.

“This one.”


He turns to me now and his face bares the mark of my slap. No one even turned at the scene we just made this time. They were all busy commenting and cheering all over the game. I copied Marky’s smirk and I tried to plaster it on my face perfectly.

“Next time, when you try to mess up with people don’t drop shit on their name. Know why? Because that doesn’t make you any better. And I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

I went down the bleachers and I didn’t look back at Marky. But I did look for Sydney. His eyes met mine as soon as I saw him and it followed me until I made my way out of the stadium.

Evan and I met before he leaves with his buddies. He said that he wanted me to come with him to the after party. Well, at least that would be great but I wasn’t in the mood to go. I’m a heavy drinker and if people there would offer me weeds and I get really stoned I have no one to bring me safe home—whoops! I forgot, I got Evan to escort me home. Which reminds me…

“Is Marky going to the after party?”

Evan looked confusedly at me. “I guess, since Rein’s going and Sydney will be there for sure.”

“Fabulous then.” I clapped my hands together with a slight leap.

He blinked twice at me before he plastered a smile. “O-KAY.”

I laughed awkwardly since I don’t know what will happen next.

“So I guess I’ll pick you up at seven?” he asked me shyly like a child wanting a new toy. He looks so cute. Well, Evan had always been cute. I mean cuter than anyone.


He then leans in and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“I’m really glad that you could go.”

I nodded with a smile and I turned around before he sees my tomato face blush and changes his mind of going out with me ever again.


Evan has been a gentle man and he picked me up at our house before the clock even turned seven. He already has my dad’s vote since my dad like guys for me that are “responsible of his only daughter’s safety” thing. My dad even told me that guys like Evan are hard to find and that I should not let a guy like him get loose of my grip. I know my dad’s really uh, what should be the term? Loving and caring maybe. He’s just like that every time I bring a guy friend at home and he goes “take good care of my little baby because she’s worth the love” and everything. He always thinks of them as his future son- and- law. It was really weird because after that my guy friends would stop going to our house. But I don’t really care. It just shows that no matter how weird my dad is he loves me very much. *sniffs*

Oh. N.B.

After going out with my guy friends he would go straight up to me, hugs me real tight and cry like a real drama king. Then he would go that I am all grown up and blah, blah, blah. He even beat my mom on this. (T.T)

Anyway, back to the party thingy. The after party was held at one of Evan’s good friends’ house. And the way I looked at the house, the host has invited the whole school. It’s just colossal. Even the Night Circus could fit in. But I cling to Evan like I’m gonna get lost in a mall. Yet, I do trust him that he will never leave me alone at the party. Although he did leave me to get us some punch but I was cool with that because I counted that as an exemption. And I do trust Evan.

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