A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 21.A- Monkey Bussiness

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Marky and I found ourselves sitting at the top of the stairs just like when I broke up with Evan. Actually the whole thing was like a copy paste of what had happened only that this time it was only Marky and I that were involved in this thing called “Baby Problem”.

I was leaning on Marky’s shoulder and I couldn’t stop my tears from falling. I still feel sad and terrified of what I had almost done. But at the same time I feel happy because he was here with me. But the question is: how long will it last?

“I really think you should stop crying now.” he says.

I sniffed but I remained leaning on his shoulder. “Tell me how. I’m still terrified.”

“Well,” he pauses and thinks. “You could try and think of happy thoughts.”

I frowned as I looked up at him. “Then you’ll throw pixie dust at me and then I’ll fly?”

He rolls his eyes. “Seriously, lady, will you try and grow up? My shirt is already soaking wet with your tears and to think, it’s designer! It has a sentimental value. This means, my boyfriend gave it to me.”

(T.T) I groaned. “Oh gross. What are you doing here anyway?”

He blinked several times as if he’s trying to figure out the answer to my question.

“Actually, I wanted to see how you’re doing.” I scoffed and I looked away. “Sydney told me—“

That’s it. I wanna leave this guy. He’s just so self-centered and he’s wasting a lot of my time.

“Hey, don’t get mad at Syd. He’s just trying to be the best guy there is.” He said.

“I am not mad at Syd.” I retorted as I met his eyes.

“Look, I just thought that I should—“ he stops and then he shivers as if the next line disgusts him.

“You should what?” I raised my eyebrows.

“I think that I should—“ he shivers again.

I groaned and then I stood up and started walking down the stairs, away from him.

“You shouldn’t have come if you think you’re obliged. ‘Cause for the record: you are not—“

“I just want to be a man for once in my life.” he continued and I stopped and turned to him. He took it as a sign that he should continue explaining as he descended the stairs to meet me. “…be responsible enough for the actions I’ve made—I mean, we made.”

I looked down at my hands. I suddenly don’t want to look at him. “I don’t really understand you, Marky. I really don’t. Sometimes you play nice to me and then after a while you hate me. Which is which?”

He shrugs. “Maybe we’re just two different people.”

I nodded. “Maybe that’s why we always clash but never really meet.”

He frowns. (T.T)

“Never mind.” I shook my head. He wouldn’t understand it anyway. He never does.

He sighs heavily. I bit my lip as I look up at him. “What do we do now?”

He licks his lips in reply. Does he want me to kiss him? I swallowed hard and set my mind to a whole different direction.

“First, let me walk you home.” He started walking. When he realizes that I wasn’t behind him, he turns to me. He saw the frown spreading on my face.

“Hey, I know we’re not a couple. But remember that before this I was your friend—“

“So you’re not now?” I asked and he became puzzled.

“No—no. I guess I still am.” He thinks. “I will still be.”

I raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head. “But look at this way; just let me be that friend now and let me walk you home. It’s one way I can make it up to you.”

You know I really hate it when guys act like this when they aren’t really the least of my concern. But either way, Marky’s not a guy. Maybe he’s half the guy but half of him is totally gay. And I hate that idea when he talks like this; my heart’s racing like hell.

 “I don’t understand why I really want to be with you right now.” my eyes widened at the realization of what I just said. “Maybe it’s something to do with the baby. But I’m still not comfortable with the idea of yours.”

He sighs. “Whatever. Well, at least let me escort you to the bus stop.”

I sighed too. “Fine.” I then started walking.

“So, what made you not abort the baby?” he asked as he caught up with me.

Our baby.” I corrected him. “Hello, your little bastard too?”

“Fine.” He quirks up his mouth to the side.

“The clinic’s a mess. I don’t like being in there.” I answered his question.

“Then what’s your plan now?”

I stopped walking and then I started thinking.

“You know Juno, right?” I asked.

His eyebrows met. “Who? You mean Jupiter’s wife?” (T.T)

I hit his head. “No! The movie. You are so boring. She’s a teenage girl who got pregnant.”

“Wow. It’s good you’ve someone to relate to.” He smirks at me.

I mocked laughing. “Shut up. What I meant is that we could find some good and fortunate people to be parents to our spond.”

“So you think we wouldn’t be good parents to our spond?” he asks as he follows my term.

I tilted my head to the side. “Do you?”

“Well, I don’t want our spond to grow up apart from us. We’re its parents, duh.”

I scoffed, “Then why don’t you get pregnant instead?” really a piss off. (>.<)

He sighs. “Come on. You said so yourself. It’s our baby. Now who’s being so heartless?”

“Marky, I am not being heartless. I am being practical for the baby.” I prompted.

Our baby.” He corrects.

“Whatever! I can’t be a mom and a teenager at once. I’m giving this lil’ bastard a home and a family that will take care and love him or her.” I said.

He looks away from me. I know that he knows that I am right. When he turns to me, I flashed him a victorious smile.

“So, shall we start with the news paper ads?” (^.^)

But the way he looks at me. I don’t think he buys it.

“You really think you can’t handle the baby?”

I nodded.

“Then I have a proposal for you.”

My eyebrows met. I hate dealing with Marky. “Decent, indecent or business proposal?”

He lets out a heavy breath then he looked at me in the eyes.

“No. It’s a marriage proposal.” (O.O)!

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