A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 8- What is real and not

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Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I’m yours.

Whoa. Quoting Blaire Waldorf eh?

Signed: the Advertisement of this Story.

Anyways, my point is, I’ve never experienced having a guy telling me those beautiful eight letters. I really meant telling me those three words perfectly. A girl can still dream even though I am just that beautiful. Guys usually get intimidated with girls who are beautiful as me. Okay so if you disagree I am assuming already that you, my friend, reader are on Marky’s side of this story. *wink-wink* (~.*)

So, speaking of the gay-guy named Marky Cleeveland, I was so lucky that I have recovered from our last meeting which was kind had spooked me off. Although I managed to really say that Marky had been nice to me (I still think that he had been nice to me)—ignore what’s inside the parenthesis please, Marky has remained cold to me. Well, what would I expect from the King feeling Queen Bee?

Weeks that had later on turned to months passed Marky and I had this so called play “The Plastic Friendship”. Tickets are now available for the show of the year! Purchase your tickets now at dontevendareto.com! I just called it that way since he’s very cold to me while I on the other hand ain’t hot but very friendly to him. And that friendly side of me that is acting towards him is real. But at least he doesn’t get to my nerves anymore like the last time. Marky not bothering me anymore is a good thing.

And speaking of bothering though, someone had replaced him instead. He kept on leaving cheesy notes on my locker; if not he would pass some flowers and chocolates in the classroom and even escort me to my class. He is such a gentleman. You already know this guy so I won’t let you guess who it is anymore. But his name starts with the letter “E”.

There’s no point in denying that Evan and I are dating. He’s a nice guy—perfect even. I feel like I’m in the movies when I’m with him. He’s not yet my boyfriend though he’s always asking me that he really wants me to be his girlfriend. I just feel awkward of the word “boyfriend” since I think I’m not yet in the process of having one. But it was a tempting offer though, you know, to be Evan’s girlfriend. Any girl would kill for my spot even Marky guy who started shooting me daggers again with his eyes when he found out that Evan and I were dating.  But anyways I just love playing around him especially when Sydney is around. Like this for example.

“Hi there, friend!” (^^,)// kawaiii!!!

I shouted at him when I entered the cafeteria.

His face then turned into an obvious plastic smile. “(,^^)”ß Marky’s face. hehe

“Hello there, too—friend.” He says when I sat beside him.

“It’s just too good to see you.” I said to him with a smile. “Hi there, Sydney.”

Sydney nods at me like he’s feeling weird to see us talking like that.

“We’ve been together for four hours already and you’re still good to see me?” (T.T)

“Of course I love seeing you. Really.” I told him languidly. (T.T)

Marky looks at me as if he wanted to snob me already.

“Oh my gosh you’re so plastic.” I mumbled at him as I scooted closer.

“You’re the one who’s plastic.” He mumbles back.


“I am not being plastic I am being true. I am being the bestest friend you could ever have in your boring bisexual life. Come to think of it. You should be grateful.” (^^,)

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