A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 7- Friends With No Benefits

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By the end of the day—stop! No, it's not yet the end since the hell I have to go to detention! So just like driving I made a perfect U-Turn and I went straight to find the room where my brilliant detention will be held.

I arrived there and to think there's a sign above that says "Detention Room". Really? Really? Okay—so again and again, Dennise? So obviously I went inside the room like a good girl because I really don't like to stay outside and rot while waiting for the detention teacher if ever there is. I actually have thoughts that Marky guy's probably gonna ditch this one since he already said earlier to our Gym teacher that he's gonna make his parents fire him. Poor guy. I don't know what would become of him. But then I was wrong. Again.

"Well, I'm really not into these stuffs but then I have to be here." he says as he walks inside the room and sat down on one of the chairs. He looks at his wrist watch and then looks up the door. "We'll be out of here any minute now.

"What are you looking at?" he says when he notices me watching him.

"Why? Is there a rule that says I can't stare at you?" I say. (T.T)

He snorts. "And really you're gonna answer my question with another question?"

"And you're early for detention?"

"And you are really answering my question with another question again?"

I sighed and I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay. As much as desperate you are to get out of here I am too. So we have something in common."

He frowns. "Assuming. We have nothing in common."

I wrinkled my nose and I started to change the topic.

"What you said earlier to me. You're not serious right?" he frowns at me. "I mean you're not serious about apologizing to me."

He scoffs. "You're smarter than I thought."

I flinched. "What you think of me, dumb like you?"

"And what you think of me, abnormal like you?" he snaps back.

I let out my tongue at him. xP

"Well, I'm not gonna lie to you, lady. Since you figured it out already."

"That I am beautiful." I said.

He narrows his eyes at me. "Where at?"

"All of it. Head to toe."

"Ugly duckling from head to toe."

I gasped at what he said and I just wanted to strangle him when he continued.

"You knew I was lying then why didn't you tell everybody?" he asked.

"Well, I am pure at heart. I don't want to ruin your Best Actor moment. It's really for Oscar's."

"Yuck. Filthy up and down, inside and out. You are a very lame liar too. Oh and you're very assuming."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him.

He then smiled at me like you know... like he doesn't even hate me anymore. Weh! As if that's gonna happen!

I shrugged the thought away. "I wasn't lying though. What I said back there was true."

He laughs at me. "So seriously you want to be my friend?"

I nodded tentatively. "Ye-yeah."

He then laughs harder.

"Well, I see you don't have enough friends."

"Are you blind? I have lots of friends. Even on facebook." He says as he wipes his eyes.

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