A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 24- Like Yesterday

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The whole day was like a blur. I only said that ‘cause probably and normally speaking people would say that best to explain their day. I’ve read it in novels nowadays. But the truth is, I was just in my room staring at my engagement ring. And whoa to think I said “my engagement ring” epic sonata! But I did let the day pass, so I wasn’t really lying about that one. I even let the million dollar ring under my pillow just to make sure that no burglar will try to ring-nap it. (<.<,)

And so the next day, I went to school obviously but I wasn’t expecting Sydney to be waiting for me at the lockers area. I gave him a tentative smile at first as if testing my sense of respect and credibility. After all, he’s the one who saved me from that gruesome horror at the clinic by sending Marky.

“Hey,” I said as I gave him an awkward wave of my hand. \ (T.T)’

“Are you okay?” he asks as I got close to him. (       ) \ (T.T)’ ßemoticon here. Hehehe

My eyebrows met. “Why do people always ask me that question? I’m still breathing so you can relax.”

He then pulled me into a tight hug which caught me by surprise of course.

“Marky told me you didn’t…”

He pulls away so he could see my reaction. I gave him a nod to say I didn’t go for abortion.

Then my twitter account could follow “awkward silence”.

“Thanks for sending Marky.” I said just to break the ice.

His eyebrows met. “Sent Marky…?”

My eyebrows met as well in confusion. “You sent Marky to get me right?”

He started to think for a while. “I guess it made him realize what a jerk he is and so he decided to go after you before I throw him out the gutter.”

I smiled.

“It’s nice to see that you’re finally smiling.” He says.

“Yeah, I don’t want my face muscles to get stressed or else I’ll go ugly.” I smirked at him.

“So what have you both agreed to do?” he asks.

I felt my hand go inside my hoody’s pocket and I felt for the small jewelry box.

“I’m keeping the baby.” His face lighted and he sighed in relief. “But I’m—we’re giving it up for adoption.”

“What? Why?” he blurted. (O.O)

I blinked twice at his reaction. “Because I want to. Don’t make it such a big deal.”

“But it is, Dennise. It’s your baby! You can’t just give it up like that.” He retorted.

I flinched. “Syd, you can’t just tell me what to do. It’s my baby and I get to decide what’s best for this baby. Besides it’s not yours—“ I stopped mid sentence when I realized what I just said.

“I’m sorry, Syd.” Shoot. My mouth could really take me to places like the graveyard for example.

“No. You’re right. The baby’s not mine.” He sighs. “I should have minded my own business.”


“I guess I’ll see you around then. Take care of yourself, Dennise.” He said and then he walks away from me.

“Sydney, wait—“ I was about to follow him when I felt a hand grab hold of me. I looked around to see Marky.

“You’re putting up too much drama you know.” He says coldly.

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