Epilogue 1.1: A Story To Tell

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Marky and I decided that if I won’t get pregnant after our honeymoon then the baby making will be postponed until graduation. But of course, my husband and I have extreme passion to disregard rules. Anyway, what happened in these three years’ time?

  Okay, I’ll start with Marky saying goodbye to Dartmouth and continuing with his chosen course in RISD with me. We both moved back to his apartment with Margaux. Although we did get her a nanny for the mornings. I just can’t forget that time when Marky and I stressed out when her nanny didn’t show up on the day of our final exams. So we have to bring Margaux to school and take turns handling her while one of us had to take the exam. But of course the DenMark Team had made it through.

Hmmm… what else? Yeah, Sydney. Well, he started dating again. I wouldn’t let you guess since I think you already figured that she would be Rein Dymwit. Good thing for the both of them to finally patch things up. And of course, my cousin Amy—well that girl could sure kick some ass at literature and had a full scholarship at Oxford University in England (with a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing). I am so proud of her. Dee Rydinger? Yeah, we still heard of her. She’s at the top of her career as a super model. She even asked for Marky to direct her clothing commercial—well, I wasn’t jealous because she kindly asked me to participate too. Haha (^.^)/

And now… this leaves to us. Hmm. There sure are a lot of “…” in this epilogue.

 Anyways, I’ll leave you to take a glimpse at our graduation day where we finally gonna be professionals afterwards! I cannot believe I’m finally graduating and how my dad wants to dive in the Bermuda Triangle for thanksgiving. But of course it didn’t happen. He sure likes metaphors.

I was so happy to get my diploma up stage and hear my name being called. Imagine that: Dennise Cleeveland. Finally Cleeveland! That sounds so fantastic that when I heard my name I run up the stage, got my diploma and waved it to Marky who shook his head, stood up and clapped his hands at me. I could see my dad slipping on his sit, trying to hide himself on the copy of his program.

And a sure ball, my loving and ever gorgeous husband was the batch’s Suma Cum laude. Well, no doubt, the excellent he is born to be. He delivered a short but memorable speech. Clearly he didn’t prepare for it; he just wanted the ceremony to end earlier. I could bet on that. After the ceremony I found myself running towards him at the front row.

“Congratulations and felicitations, Mr. Suma Cum laude!” I shouted as I threw myself at him.

“Whoa, hang in there, Mrs. Cleeveland! You are so baked!” he laughs but I know he’s joking about that.

“When I have my own personal drug right here.” I said in a seductive voice.

His eyes flick into something dark. “Where?”

Here.” I pulled his cravat down towards me and I kissed him. He kisses me back with much force that I had to wrap my arms around him to pull him closer, I want so much more of him.

Dennise!” Rein shouts at me. I was forced to pull away from Marky and receive Rein’s embrace.

“It’s so sad that we won’t be roommates anymore!” she croons.

I rolled my eyes. “We haven’t been roommates for three years.”

She smiles. “I know! Just pretend we had!” she giggles and hugs me back. From that, I see Syd come into view. I withdrew from Rein and I hugged him.

“Hey, you!”

“Hey you too!”

“I hope you two have a great vacation in Italy.” I told them both.

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