A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 20- I'll be...

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I am so getting too dramatic these days. I watched What to Expect and I believe that Elizabeth Banks was right about unstoppable rush of emotions. I hate being pregnant too; it gives me morning sickness that sucks. I can’t even control my pee pipes. And I think guys should come with a warning label caution: I’ll flirt with you, lead you on, break your heart, get you pregnant and then never talk to you again. (>.<)

Well, look at Marky right now, literally speaking though—he won’t even look at me. And try to imagine him in the same room with me but he’s sitting in one corner of the room and yet he doesn’t say a word to me. So how’s that? He’s been like that for a week now. He acts like he doesn’t know me. Well, guilty here—we both do. But I don’t really care anymore. The day after I told Sydney about my pregnancy and that it’s Marky’s, Marky came to school like a mess. I never saw Sydney then (too). I guess this baby’s gonna change everything and it’s starting right now.

Lately, though I have been thinking of what to do. Whether I should give the thing up and go on with my life as planned as if it didn’t happen. But it did happen and I’m gonna live with that guilt for the rest of my life.

And then I sneezed. Everybody turned to look at me including my teacher and then life went back to the way it was like I didn’t exist. And there wasn’t even guilt in there. (T.T)

And then Marky sneezed beside me. My classmates then freaked out like whoa.

“God bless you, Lord Jesus let God protect you from that sneeze. Amen.”

Oh…kay. (T.T)

Marky looked puzzled by their rush of panic and said awkwardly. “Thanks.”

This school’s a hypocrite ran by those feeling well-off racist and sexist people. This is a miserable part of a teenager’s life called high school if you don’t know and mind me saying.  Anyways, our teacher started his lessons without minding it.

“You seem to want to contaminate me with your virus.” He mumbles beside me as he wipes his nose with his handkerchief.

I scoffed. “I didn’t ask to be your seatmate.”

“You should take care of yourself.” I looked at him, clearly annoyed. “I mean, with your condition.”

I feel like laughing. “Look who’s talking. As if you care.”

“Hey, just so you know. I am human and I also have feelings.”

Wow, feelings. That’s a very emotional confession to make. You should be careful.” I said.

“I’m just so glad that Sydney beat you up into a mess even if I didn’t ask him to.”

Marky opens his mouth to start an argument when I felt that sick feeling again. My stomach gradually turned and I went out of the room before I could even get a pass. I heard the teacher call out to me but I had to go. I can’t control things like this. When I have to go, I really have to go.

I went face down the toilet bowl and dropped that load of ship. I felt sweat run down my face as I sat down the floor. If only I can get it out of my body right now I would. I couldn’t even get my pants zipped and buttoned now without breathing in first. Sooner or later my belly’s gonna grow just like Amy said and this will be obvious to everyone. I have to act now and die later.


I was sitting on a bench on my spare time that afternoon when Sydney finally decided to grace me with his presence. I smiled awkwardly at him as he sat beside me.

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